Chapter 6 - The Tower's Mystery

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The Tower’s Mystery

“You be careful out there, miss. You shouldn’t be running in those dark pathways at night!”

I pulled my hands away quickly. The way he said it made chills run down my spine. The Doctor put a hand on my shoulder and led me away, shouting thanks back to the man. We stood by the wall, while I questioned the Doctor…

“What did he mean only humans? Why would someone only take humans out of this sort of crowd?” I gestured to the chaos around us, “And that auto police… or whatever; How could they not have anything? No answers? WOW, Future police really suck at their jobs!” I rolled my eyes.

“Yea, well they are only robots.” He replied, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

“What? The entire police force?”

“Yip, like the Titan Helpers… except their colour is blue not green and frankly there temper is not very…”

“Doctor!” I stopped him from rambling on. “Not exactly a time for reminiscing! What are we gonna do?!”

“This,” he said with a smile. I followed him back to that robot; we had left standing by the pathway. “Hi, me again. Take me to your leader.”

“Request unrecognized.” The robot replied. That’s the shortest answer it has given. I couldn’t help letting out a quiet laugh.

“Right, robot talk um… who runs this station? Take me to him.”

The robot’s screen flashed with a picture of a sophisticated blond woman in a suite. “Twin Tower Station was placed under the supervision of Jane Helen Turner, daughter of Allan Goal Turner, the original founder of…”

“Yeah, yeah,” the Doctor interrupted. A small hint of irritation was in his voice, “Can I speak to her?”

“All communications with the supervisor is required to go through the ATTP.” Was it’s simple answer.

The doctor put a hand on his head, his mind probably racing with new plans and theories. “Doctor?” I stared into the robots screen that still held the lady’s picture. “She’s human.”

“What? Who is?” he looked at me in confusion.

“The supervisor lady. She’s sort of the manager, right? And human…” I clarified. “But, if there’s someone or something taking all the humans on the station, why haven’t they taken her yet?” I smiled at the look he gave me and decided to clarify more, “I mean, if you’re hunting for humans on a station, full of aliens at every turn. Wouldn’t it be easier to take the only one you know, exactly where to find?”

His expression changed and he gave me a strange smile.


He quickly dropped his smile and turned down the pathway we had come from. I followed. What was that about? Talk about unreadable!

We turned a few corners and went up a flight of stairs, before finally finding ourselves walking on top of one of the platforms overlooking the large shopping area. I looked down at the chaos bellow and noticed we were standing over that newspaper guy’s shop. The Doctor stopped to look over the railing too.

“Not one human.” He muttered softly to himself.

“Sorry, what?”

“In this whole crowd, Allora. Can you see even one human?” he sounded worried and a bit angry.

I scanned the crowd. There were millions of aliens walking up and down doing their shopping. There were big owl creatures, small red and green dwarfs, and some even looked like they were human cats! But, no. Not one human. Only me.

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