Chapter 3 - The Maze (Continued)

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The Maze


“Doctor! Think faster!”

“Ok ok ok! We’re in an underground maze… with angels, the lights going off, and the TARDIS stuck behind a wall.” He rambled to himself, pointing as he did. After a moment, he bent over and pressed his fingers against his temples, “Come on! Think, think, think!”

The lights flashed again, they were only about 10 meters away now. “Doctor… they’re getting closer!”

His head shot up, looking at the angels, “Right… yes. Where was I?” he said pacing behind me. “Aah… the angels are coming?… NO!” I heard a big bang, as the Doctor hit his head against a wall, hard. He stumbled back, “Gotcha!” He shouted and searched his pockets urgently. Pulling out a black wrist band, he looked at it with a smile. “Ha-ha! River, you genius!”

“What is that!? And, who’s River?” I asked, confused.

“A Vortex Manipulator!” He said, laughing. “It’s like a time jumper,” He explained, as he fiddled with the device. “But instead of time jumping, we’re going to teleport… No, no, no!” He hit it with a fist.

“What’s wrong?”

“There’s no power! Oh… very useful this is, with no power!” He was shouting more at the device than me… He paused, looking at the now flickering light above us, “Unless…”

The light went off. I’m not sure exactly for how long. But, when it came on again, I found myself staring into the eyes of an angel, face-to-face… I screamed!

“Back, back, back!” The doctor grabbed my shoulders and quickly pulled me backwards, down the corridor where we came from. Making the beeping sound again, he pointed his torch up at the ceiling then at the walls around us. “Yes! These should be enough.” He was smiling again.

“Enough for what?” I asked, still staring at the angels ahead.

The doctor focused the green light on a wall beside us. A small panel opened, “Enough for a small… jump-start!” He flew forwards and practically climbed into the little hole, pulling different wires out and connecting them to the wrist band. “These power coils are connected to the lights. I might be able to by-pass them and channel the energy into the vortex manipulator!” He pulled the band onto his wrist and stood beside me again, keeping his eyes on the angels. “Only one problem...”

“You’re gonna turn the lights off.” I finished his sentence. “For how long?”

“I don’t know. A few seconds… maybe longer.” He paused and looked at me. Taking my hand, he held it over the device and asked, “Are you ready?

I took a deep breath, “No.”

“Geronimo!” He pressed our hands against the device.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the floor. “Owe,” I groaned, as I sat up rubbing my head. I feel as though I’ve been hit by a truck. My head pounded with pain, and stomach turned with nausea. What the hell happened?

I looked around, giving a sigh of relief when I realized the angels were gone. But what’s that?

“aaa,” I heard the Doctor groan, as he slowly sat up next to me. “Blimey! I ain’t ever going to do that again.” He said, holding his head. I could tell he felt as bad as I did. “Are you ok?”

I nodded, my eyes fixed on a big blue box that was standing in the middle of the room. I shakily stood up and walked towards it. Reaching out, I touch it gently.

I gasped as images flashed through my mind. Images of impossible places, and this box, this box being bigger on the inside! I turned and stared at the Doctor, who was now stumbling to his feet.

My expression must have said everything, because he answered immediately, “The TARDIS.” He said with a glowing smile on his face. “Time And Relative Dimension In Space… It’s a Wibbly Wobbly time machine!” He explained briefly, as he walked towards it and lent on the door. “You want to go in?”

I looked up at the box and then back to the doctor, my mouth slowly forming a smile... He opened the door with a click of his fingers.

The Memory Box (Dr.who FanFic)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now