Chapter 4 - The Silver Locket

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The Silver Locket

It was the most impossible thing I have ever seen. Even more impossible than moving statues. I must have walked around this thing 10 times before stepping inside and softly stating, “It’s bigger on the inside.”

“Yes, yes it is!” the Doctor replied, coming in behind me and running up to the centre platform. He started fiddling with different switches, as he ran around what looked like the main console.

“But, it can’t… its alien isn’t it?” I asked, following him. I looked around at the strange switches and coils hanging above. “I’m right hey? It’s an alien spaceship disguised as a police box!” I paused and looked at the Doctor who was holding a leaver and staring at me, “How did you get it?”

“It belonged to my people.” He gave me an innocent look.

“Your people? Wait… are you an alien!?”

His face formed a broad smile and he pushed the lever down. The whole thing started shaking and jerking from side to side. I grabbed onto the railing beside me and hang on tight, keeping my gaze on the Doctor, who was doing the same. He can’t be an alien… could he? I mean… he has a British accent!

When the shaking stopped, I was still staring up and down at the Doctor. He noticed and looked at me with a confused frown, “What?”

“You look human.”

He took a step towards me and straightened his bowtie, “No, you look Timelord. We came first!” he said defensively.


“Anyway! I’m not the interesting thing here.” He ran to the doors and flung them open, “This is!”

I gasped in awe, as I stepped beside him and saw what he was referring to. In front of us was the most beautiful cluster of stars, scattered and mixed in a million different colours. We’re in space! “It’s beautiful!”

“Hmm, the Shaldi-en galaxy. They say it’s the most beautiful galaxy in the cosmos!” He smiled at me and started walking back to the console, “Named after a woman.” He added as he pulled a screen to him and started flicking switches again.

I didn’t care what he was doing. My gaze hadn’t left the beauty in front of me. I could stare at this wonderful sight all day! The colours flowed from one to the other. The stars shone brightly out of them, as the whole scene spiralled inwards. I leant against the door, staring into the open space ahead. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful…

Taking a step back, I tried to bring myself back to reality. I had questions and I needed answers. The last thing I remember, before waking up in that room, is dropping Jenny off at home and heading out to see a movie with my friends. She hadn’t needed help with her homework and it was half price that night. Mom had finally given me a night off from chores…

What happened at that movie that ended up with me getting abducted by moving statues? And this Doctor… how do I feel as though I know him? How could I have sent him a message? And… there’s something he’s not telling me. I can feel it!

I slowly closed the TARDIS’ doors and walked towards the Doctor. He was still staring into the screen with a look of confusion. I lent on the main console, and stared at him, still feeling the nagging sense that I know him.

He noticed again and turned his confused face towards me, “What is it now?”

“Who are you, really?”

“I told you. I’m the Doctor.” He said, turning from the screen and also leaning on the console.

“No, I mean… Have we met before? Because I feel like…” I trailed off.

“Like what?” He sounded interested. More interested than a normal person should be.

“Like I know you somehow.”

He frowned at me thoughtfully and pulled out his silver torch. It made a beeping sound as he moved it up and down over me. “Sonic Screwdriver,” He explained, seeing my confused look. He flipped it down so that a part popped out slightly, held it up, and squinted at it... His face fell and he slowly put it back into his pocket, as he moved off the console and stepped in front of me.

“Doctor? What is it?”

“I just scanned you,” he explained, looking concerned. “It showed quit a large gape in your cerebral cortex.” Seeing my confused look grow even more confused, he clarified: “It looks like, when they erased your memory; they accidently took more than they needed.”

“How much more!?”

“I don’t know… but there are still fragments, small precious moments you may still recall. Like me!” He gave a cheeky smile, trying to lighten the mood. But I was not amused…

I repaid him with a slap to the arm and a disapproving look. I’ve lost who knows how much of my memory and he’s making a joke. Trying to contain my anger, I took a deep breath and continued, “So we’re friends then?”

“Blimey! Yes… and might I say you haven’t changed at all!” he commented, rubbing his arm.

I ignored him and asked thoughtfully: “How long have we been friends?”

“Um… 3 years.”

“3 years! I’ve lost 3 years!!”

“Well… 2 and a half,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Oh great! That makes it all better,” I said sarcastically. “What about school…? Three years later… I should be 20 now!” I sat down on a seat beside a flight of stairs, my head spinning in disbelief. I looked back at the Doctor, “What happened to my family... my friends?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t say anything more. The mind is a delicate thing. You have to remember on your own.”

“Can I go home?” I asked softly, my heart full of turmoil.

“No… you can’t, I’m sorry. But earth is the first place they’ll look. You will only be leading them to your family.”


The Doctor came to sit beside me, as I put my head into my hands. I was a bubble of mixed emotions, not knowing what to do next.

Three years have passed. Jenny should be 16 now, is she ok? And Mom… is she still battling around the house? Has she gotten over losing Dad yet? I wonder if she still gazes out of the kitchen window, and fiddles with that heart-shaped locket, that he gave to her before he died.

He had made it himself. It was so beautiful. It had a blue heart-shaped diamond moulded into the middle, and three silver twirled shapes stemming from it. ‘He gave it to me so wherever I went, my family was always near’ she had said, as she showed me the 2 pictures inside: one was their wedding photo and the other of me, when I was six, holding Jenny in my arms. I had stared at it for hours, wondering what it would be like if he was still around?

I felt the Doctor taking my hands into his, pulling me away from my thoughts. I looked up at his compassionate face, tears forming in my eyes. “Did I get a chance to say goodbye?”

“Yes,” He said softly. “She gave you this…” He pulled something from his pocket and placed it inside my hands.

I opened them… Mom’s Locket!

<Small Author's note: Check out the external link to the right. it's a picture of Allora's locket>

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