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"Cheers to having a proper job!"

"I take offense in that as a freelancer..."

Our glasses clinked in the air as the alcohol swished to the brim of spilling over. We were supposed to be getting some dim sum but somehow we ended up at a Korean BBQ restaurant. Even though we were well in the middle of our meal, I could feel the eyes of others staring at our backs.

"You're getting real popular. Are you sure we can dine out like this?"

"Huh? What're you talking about? You're thinking too much about it. This isn't Hollywood you know."

I flipped a piece of pork belly that was charred brown and placed it on Yui's plate before picking another slice for myself. I wonder how much will this meal cost? This pork belly taste so expensive...

"I might know why you think that way." Yui leaned towards me and whispered. Hey, I can hear you completely fine from where you're sitting. If you come any closer people might have the wrong idea.

"What, why's that?"

"My pretty face must have dazzled them all."

I picked a few more slices of meat and piled them over her plate. Yui's face lit up and gave her thanks. Yes, just eat and stop your nonsense. Judging by how she held her liquor last night, I wondered if she was close to getting drunk soon.

"Oh, isn't that Yui and the new guy?"

Yui raised her head and waved her hands wide, obviously the voice came from someone she knew. Three individuals stood at the entrance of the shop, one of which I recognised as Jay. The only guy of the trio waved his hands back and approached us.

"What a small world!"

"Yes! Wait, hold on."

"So close...!"

Before I could say anything, Yui scooted closer to me as the trio took the rest of the space around the table. Of course, it was typical of Yui to socialise with everyone. Now the headache of splitting the bill later is starting to hit me.

"So you're Shin." The guy took the seat beside Yui and sized me up with his eyes. Not that I care, but it feels weird to have someone of the same gender looking at you with such interest. I-I'm completely straight, so please look elsewhere.

"Yes, nice to meet you."

"Matt Lee. Nice to meet you too." Matt raised his arm and shook mine. He then turned to the two ladies on his left. "Ladies?"

"Trisha." The taller of the two replied first. In fact, she's slightly taller than Matt when they stood at the shop front. She held her cool demeanour, though she gave a shrug and raised her hand as though to acknowledge me.

"Jay." The girl sitting between the two, which was facing me squarely, replied as she adjusted the glasses sitting on her nose. Her dress sense from yesterday was almost a 180 from yesterday, but there was no denying that cute face anywhere.

"Yeah, we met yesterday?" I replied.

Yui's hands paused in the air, while Trisha didn't seem like she heard me and poured herself a glass of water. Matt on the other hand, carried a smirk and jabbed his elbow at Jay's repeatedly, and I'm hoping he doesn't jab the wrong area...I eventually looked away and stared at Jay's narrowed eyes behind those round frames.

"You owed me money for my work, remember?"

"Right, of course! I'm so sorry." That reply came from Matt which was not who I was expecting the apology from. Jay peered over at Matt and gave a sigh...of relief?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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