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I hate Singapore.

Specifically, I-I meant the humidity. (I really love Singapore for everything else, really!) Most of the other countries got it lucky, experiencing all four seasons. When I was young, I always wondered if Winter was a random event that occurs around the world, and if so when would it be Singapore's turn.

Of all places, it had to sit right on the equator. Instead of spring, autumn and winter, we were all pathetically subjected to summer, summer, summer, and summer. Being a solo-season country does have its perks.

For one, our clothing is very much consistent throughout the year. Despite that, stores still put out displays of winter sales during Christmas. It makes you wonder who will be able to experience winter in this country that averages 34 degrees?

Well, the only option is to make a trip to countries with seasons other than summer, but this is discrimination against those unable to afford travels! Everyone should have equal access to travelling overseas! I just want to go on a holiday...

The sky was already turning dark, and the crowd around here had multiplied faster than the interest my bank account is getting. Speaking of which, I need to put some money in there or the fall-below fee will bite me hard. Ah, the joys of being an adult.

As I had those pointless thoughts dancing around in my mind, my legs had already brought me to the Esplanade. Mingling among the packed area, factoring the humidity and lack of wind was really an insufferable experience.

If not for the fact that I had work, I would prefer to stay at home thank you very much. The cool wind from the arts centre provided a much-needed reprieve, but the venue was nonetheless packed too with crowds gathering around performance venues as ushers were stationed at every corner to guide the visitors.

At the top of the stairs, a three-piece band was performing on a platform in front of some hundred people. Further down the walkway and down the escalator led to the outdoor area that was filled with pubs and bistro, along with food-stands and pockets of performance stages.

A huge noticeboard sits at almost every corner, listing out the programs for the day and its performers and venues. Despite not being someone that appreciates music and the like, a sense of pride welled within me whenever I see tourists of different places and culture praising the performance qualities.

Regrettably, the arts industry in Singapore has never been that prominent by itself, at least that is my opinion. It was festivities like these that gave them a chance to pull out all stops to attract people from around the world to our stage, and also letting know that "we have an arts scene here, please recognise us too!"

That said, it would have helped if the locals were as interested as well. I grew up with my parents treating arts as "something that you cannot survive on, so discard that career aspiration." That was also the reason why they had rejected my interest to pursue my studies as an artist and forced me into a business faculty.

But look at me now. Despite holding a university cert in business administration, job opportunities were sparse, and I had to resort to odd jobs still. Ironically, it was my commission from illustrations and poster designs that provided my income. I wondered if I had went ahead to study what I wanted against my parent's wishes, would my present self be different, thankful even?

Parents will always put up an encouraging front to their kids to "study what you want to work in". But when the said kid said something like "I want to be an artist," or "I want to be a musician", I would be shot down and reprimanded to choose something more pragmatic like business and finance.

Four Seasons of Summerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن