Part 4- Poem Clan?

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Naruto and Naruto woke up the guy that naruto tied to the tree. One he woke up he was Shooted, he didn't know how he got there and who they were. Naruto and Sasuke tried to get answers from them

Naruto: Who are you guys??

???: who are you!!

Sasuke: we ask the questions you answer them or else!?

Naruto: Ya! Now explain what you were doing!

???:I was sleeping! Now let me go! I don't know what your talking about!

Sasuke: Did you see three guys with a girl and a few other people?

???: Three guys, a girl and a few other people?? No I don't know who your taking about but I haven't seen them so let me GO!!

Naruto: you just have to make this harder, don't you!

Sasuke: Naruto come here for a sec *Sasuke then walks far enough away from the guy that he can't hear them*

Naruto: What?

Sasuke: He might be telling the truth? I mean I don't recognize him. He doesn't look like the guys we fought?

Naruto: True, but can we really trust that guy?

Sasuke: well not really but we should at least ask him a few questions more personal then towards the people we are trying to catch?

Naruto: Ok *Naruto and Sasuke then walk back to the guy *

???:have you decided to let me go get???

Sasuke: No yet, can we at least know your name, or what village your from. We are ninjas from the Leif village trying to complete a mission.

Naruto: So could you at least answer those a few questions and clam down. We won't hurt you unless you attack us.

Sasuke: Or run away without our permission!

???:Ok well my name is Akira Goda and I'm from the village of Stone.

Naruto: the village of stone, I feel like I heard something about that village......

Sasuke: The Poem Clan, they are a trouble to your village, right?

Akira: Yes they are...for 4 years they have been stealing things from our village.....

Naruto: 4 years??? And you haven't stopped them yet?

Akira: Sadly we have not been able to....I'm a merchant from there and they suddenly captured me.

Naruto: does that mean the guys that took our merchant was part of the Poem Clan?

Sasuke: it could have been?

Naruto: Then how did you end up in the hut up the mountain?

Akira:I was suddenly knocked out and then I guess they put me there?

Naruto: ohhh, That makes sense

Sasuke: anyways aren't you forgetting something Naruto?

Naruto: what?

Sasuke: OUR MISSION! We should get going!

Naruto: oh.

Akira: what about me?

Sasuke: your coming with us!

Akira: oh ok?

Naruto: *unties him*

Akira: *tries to run but Sasuke appears infront of him *

Sasuke: what did I warn you about?

Akira: I'm sorry!! I just don't trust you guys, ok!

Naruto: you don't have to trust us but your still coming with us, got it?

Akira nodded and Sasuke tied his hand with rope, then he picked him up and put him on his back. Naruto and Sasuke then ran to the village of Stone.

Sorry that this one is shorter 😩 I was tried and couldn't think of anything else!! Thanks for reading my story so far!! ❤️

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