30| Tethered

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Chapter 30: Tethered (Claire's POV)

He kissed me again and then bit down on my lip once more. Yeah, I'm definitely in trouble. "I'm going to kill you," he growled. 

"Leo, I-" 

"What the hell were you thinking? Pulling something like that?" 

"It got you talking," I shrugged. He glared at me. "But I-" 

"I don't want to hear it," he shook his head, turning around to leave. 

"Leo, wait!" I grabbed his wrist but he tugged it away. "Please!" He halted and turned around to face me, arms folded across his chest. "You weren't talking to me, you weren't kissing me, you weren't even cuddling or hugging me. You avoided me, actually like the fucking plague. You weren't going to tell me unless you had something to lose. I know you well enough now to know that." 

"Claire, you can't use my tether to you against me and take advantage of it," he scoffed. 

"Tether?" I asked in confusion. 

"I'm tethered to you. You should know that by now. I'm not only stuck and tied down to you, you're my weakness. Don't ever use that against me. I swear to god, I'll kill you." 

He's so hot, I can't think straight when he's like this. 

I nodded absentmindedly. "You're not even listening to me," he rolled his eyes before walking over to me and grabbing the back of my neck, pulling me closer. "What did I just say to you?" 

I think I'm having a heart attack. 

"Not to use your weakness against you," I breathed out. 

"And who's my weakness?" He arched an eyebrow at me. 

"Me," I exhaled. 

He stared down at me before his eyes went to his hand. He almost pulled it away but then looked at me. He seemed amused at my reaction and tightened his grip, making me wince. "You're fucked in the head," he chuckled. 

"Just like you then," I smirked, pushing him further over the edge. 

"You like it bad," he whispered, leaning in. 

"Maybe. Can you give it to me?" He seemed taken aback when I said that. So was I. Where the fuck did that confidence come from? I've always listened to him, never questioned him, always obeyed him. Now, I'm challenging him. 

"What do you want from me, Claire?" he whispered. 

"Whatever you have to give," I retorted. 

"That's a little vague," he smirked. He wanted me to say it. He wanted me to say that I wanted him. I'm not going to be the one to cave. 

"I won't say what you want to hear," I smirked back at him. 

"I have other ways to make you say it," he replied. 

"Enlighten me," I shrugged. 

"You'll regret it," he said, sounding genuinely worried. 

"Then that's my problem, not yours." He has to say it first. "Oh wait, all my problems are your problems. Isn't that how important I've become?" I looked him in the eye. "So important, that your life is starting to revolve around me." 

"Is that a problem for you?" he questioned. 

"Not at all," I replied, "You?" 

"Not at all," he said mockingly. His hand left my neck and his finger traced the dip in my neck, to my shoulder with a feather's touch. "You'll say it, Claire," he nodded, his fingers lightly wrapping around my throat. 

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