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Robyn lifts her bow, carefully hooks her index finger around the fishing line to pull the arrow back. She counts to five to steady her breath and closes her right eye to focus on her target. She waited.

"You do know that I can hear you right?" Robyn fires the arrow.

"How?" Walt steps forward. Vincent, his golden lab right beside him.

Robyn lowers her bow. "That's how I am trained." She turns around to face Walt and Vincent. "Tell me why you're all the way out here."

Walt cleared his troat, but no words came out of his mouth. Vincent bopped his head to the side, like he knew what she was talking about. Walt knew that he promised Robyn not to explore the jungle on his own. He knows that he is going to be in trouble for this action, but, he is tired of being treated like a baby all the time. He wants to help out.

"Walt?" Robyn snaps her fingers to get his attention.

"Can you teach me?" Walt asked, taking a step forward.

Robyn sighs deeply and crosses her arms. "No way, Walt."

"Why not!?" He asked rather irritated.

"Walt, you promised me that you wouldn't leave the beach and explore the jungle on your own. How am I going to trust you with a bow and arrow if you can't keep a promise?" Robyn kneeled, places her hand under Walt's chin to pull his head up so she could look him in the eyes. "Look, I am not mad at you. Can you just promise me that this won't happen again?"

"Okay, I promise." Walt stuffs his hands into his pockets and kicked a rock. "How did you learn?"

"My grandfather taught me." Robyn grabbed her backpack, slides her arms through the straps. "Let's head back, we have a long walk ahead of us."

Walt nodded his head and pets Vincent softly on his head letting him know that they were about to leave. Robyn looked back at Walt, nodded and strode away in the same direction she came in.

"Why did you stop looking for Claire?" Walt asked.

Robyn stopped. She didn't turn around to face him. Robyn didn't expect Walt to ask that type of question. "What makes you think I stopped looking for Claire?" There was a crack in her voice.

"They-" Robyn abruptly turned around to face Walt. He looked down at his feet. "They were whispering about something. I thought it had something to do with you because." Walt stopped with talking.

"Because?" Robyn places her hands on her hips. She is irritated, not because of Walt, but at the fact that people talk behind her back. It's probably not that big of a deal, but, if someone needs to be praised for the dedication of keeping the group safe, it should be her.

"You have been acting weird since you got back." Walt said.

"Walt,-" As Robyn was about to tell him not to worry about her, her attention got drawn to a ruffling noise bouncing off moving bushes. Walt grabbed Vincent by his collar and pulled him gently too him. Robyn holds her finger by her mouth signaling to Walt to stay quiet. He nodded.

Robyn pulls her knife out of her boot. "Who's there?" Her heart is beating loudly in her chest and grabbed Walt's forearm to push him behind her to shield him from whatever is going to jump out of the bushes.



"HELP! We need some help!" Walt shouted as he wildly waved his arms around in panic. His tiny lungs where running out of breath of how much he has been screaming for the past ten minutes to get anyone's attention.

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