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After she found Jack, in the big jungle like a lost puppy searching for something that wasn't there, she left him to do his job. Checking up on his patients. As she silently walked away, she heard him speaking about the water source he found. Like as he has promised them, he took a group down to the valley at first light to fill their water bottles up.

Robyn didn't notice him leaving, she probably was too tired to notice anything. She took a deep breath, to calm her nerves down before she picked up her bow and strode over to the nearest shade spot to work on her self made bow.

''Uh, excuse me,'' Michael Dawson slowly walks up to her. His son, Walt found handcuffs in the jungle, not too far away from their campsite while he was out looking for his dog, Vincent. ''Have you.. Have you seen my boy?''

She lifts her head up. ''I think I saw him and Vincent heading into the jungle. He's probably taking a walk.''

''I am going to hunt and I was wondering if you could keep an eye on my boy until I come back?'' He asks while playing nervously with this fingers. Michael looked down like he is second-guessing if he even should ask her to watch his son.

''Um, sure, but, why me?'' Robyn hasn't really spoken to Michael or Walt. She doesn't even have any experience with kids and how to entertain them for a while. It wouldn't make sense to leave his son with her.

Michael looks around him before lowering down on one knee. ''I know that you will protect my son. If you have to, you will knock them up.''

''I probably won't leave my son alone with someone who knocks them up if they needed to.'' Robyn couldn't help, but, laugh at his reason for leaving his son in her presence.

''I normally wouldn't, but, I rather leave him here with you than with that redneck.'' Michael rises up, dusted the sand off his knee before slightly tilting his head towards Sawyer.

''Okay. You don't have to worry about him while you are gone. He will be in good hands.'' Robyn smiles at him as she rises from her spot.

Michael quickly padded her shoulder. ''Thank you.''

Robyn nodded as she brushed the sand off her jeans, swings her bow over her shoulder and headed into the jungle, looking for a boy and his golden lab.

She has been screaming his name for a little while now. He either didn't hear her or he did and just didn't want to be found by her. In search for Walt, she passed a few members from their group saying a quick hey and asked them if they happen to see a little boy and his dog, but, just like she expected too no one saw him. ''WALT!'' Robyn screams at the top of her lungs.

No response.

“Walt!” She screams again. He can't be far, right? At least she really hopes he wasn't. She isn't in the mood to go back to the beach, grab a few and send a search party out to go look for him. For all they know, there could be more polar bears running around the jungle.

Robyn brings her fingers up to her mouth, ready to whistle as loud as she can, hoping that Vincent will come running to her. A few minutes later, he came running out the jungle and stopped right in front of her. ''Good boy.'' Robyn quickly pets his white fur.

“Vincent!?” Walt appears from the bushes, out of breath.

''There you are,'' Vincent walks over to his owner, wiggling his tail, waiting for his pets. ''What were you doing so far away from the beach?''


''Yeah right,'' Robyn looks at him. Not really buying his 'nothing'. ''I'm not your father and I am certainly not trying to be Walt, but, you really shouldn't go this far away from the beach. It's not safe, okay?''

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