Chapter 06

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     Finally I made it and I began to cry at all the bodies scattered around. Vampires and hunters I panicked hoping and praying that Eli was safe.

I started towards the castle surely the castle was safe, right? Once I made it to the castle doors arms wrapped around me and a hand went over my mouth. I start to wiggle flail my limbs trying to get loose from whoever held me captive.

As I was trying to get loose I was turned around and came face to face with... "ELI YOU'RE ALIVE." I cried.

"Shhhh... of course I'm alive." He said as he put his finger to his mouth.

I was speechless almost. "But I felt it, I died too." I cried in his arms.

"What? What do you mean you died too?" He became hysterical.

I touched his cheek to calm him down before I continued to speak. "I was in gym and I felt a pain in my chest, my heart slowed, my vision blurred, and I couldn't breathe anymore."

He calmed down but he began to worry again. "It's my fault they staked me, and because we're mates you felt it."

"But you're alive!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled. "Remember I told you the royal family takes a little more to kill us."

I nodded remembering him telling me that. I finally noticed we had been running away from the castle whenever I thought about Lilith and the rest of the royal family.

"Where is everyone else?" I cried hoping they were okay.

He wiped the tears from my cheeks. "They are safe we have a underground bunker for safety." He then picked me up. "Hold on tight."

He ran vampire speed, which for me was the blink of an eye, all the way to the bunker and took me down inside with him.

There we were met with his family and about twenty-five other vampires. I gasped as everyone looked towards me shocked I guess because I was human.

"She did this to us." Jezebel cried out.

Eli grabbed my hand as he spoke up. "She has nothing to do with this. She is my mate." As everyone began to whisper I hid behind Eli afraid that they would try to hurt me or even feed off of me.

As they all started to whisper amongst themselves the the king Cassius roared. "Everyone enough, Destiny is the chosen one she is to save us from those above right now killing our kind." Everyone then went silent except for Jezebel.

"But father it's her dad who is slaying our kind." She reminded.

Cassius waved his daughter's comment off. "Jezebel that is enough." Dawn grunted fed up with her daughters deviance against the chosen one.

"Mother, father we have things we need to discuss." Eli called to his parents. He stayed holding my hand as he pulled me along towards his parents.

His mother looked to us, eyebrows raised. "Yes son what is it, is something wrong?"

"Destiny died earlier whenever the hunters put the stake through my heart." He started off, "That means anything I feel she feels and vice versa."

"That's unusual not even your mother and I can feel each other's feelings." His father spoke while his mother looked amazed.

Lilith cheered. "She isn't even like us and already has her power."

Everyone looked to Lilith for confirmation. "What do you mean I have my power?" I asked the question everyone had on their mind.

She sighed before she began her explanation. "The plan is for you to turn and your power will be to feel what others around you feel."

"Okay but I only felt Eli's." I reminded.

"That's because right now you are still human so you can only feel you're mates feelings." She stared like it was so obvious.

All were shocked but none as much as me. "So you're saying I have to become a vampire to stop all this from happening?" I was terrified.

She nodded happily knowing I finally got it. "Exactly and once you and Eli mark each other to claim one another it will all end."

Eli stepped in. "Say She turns and we mark each other how does that stop anything?"

Groaning Lilith looked over to us. "That is how you become one and once you do that all those hunters will forget everything and you and Destiny will be immortal completely." She looked us all while we still had these quizzical looks on our faces. "Ugh... meaning nothing will ever be able to kill you except for the higher power."

All the vampires had their mouths in the 'o' shape but I was still confused.

"I still don't get it." I spoke over the silence.

Everyone turned to me as Eli squeezed my hand to calm my nerves. Lilith stomped away annoyed with having to dumb everything down for me.

Eli guided me into a separate room from where everyone else was and I became anxious. What was about to happen? Was Eli going to turn me? Is he going to bite me? Would it hurt?

Then Eli sat me down running his hand down his face out of frustration. He looked at me and saw how anxious I was so he sent me a little smile that calmed my nerves. There was a little knock at the door which made me jump back.

"It's okay it's just my parents." He told me before looking to the door. "Come on in mother, father."

As soon as the words left his mouth the king and the queen walked in looking concerned. They walked over shutting the door gently behind them and joined Eli and I in the center of the room.

"Sweetie you have a choice, I'm afraid none of them are painless." Dawn started causing my anxiety to shoot through the roof. What wis she talking about? I don't want to go through any pain? Why do I have to make a decision? Does this have to do with what Lilith said?

My mind raced the whole time they waited for me to reply, but I couldn't form words everyone voices were starting to die down. Things became really fuzzy and I fainted, consumed into darkness.

Hunted by the Hunter's Daughter (Hunt Series)Where stories live. Discover now