Chapter 35

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*Zayn's P.O.V*
*Two months later*

Liam's death was just as hard on all of us, but we knew how to deal with it better thanks to how strong we had to be with Louis' and Courtney's deaths. 

I have visited the graves frequently. I like to make sure that they are clean, neat and I like to put fresh flowers in the pots that they all have on their graves.

Harry has been helping out a lot with Tommy and Louise so he has been quite busy. He has been looking after his grandchildren whilst Tommy and Louise goes for checkups, looking for furniture to buy etc. He does help out when making sure the graves are tidy but he hasn't been able to as much. 

Niall has gone back to Ireland for a while. He'll be back in London soon it's just he thought it would be best to go visit some of his cousins, friends and other family members. He is constantly saying that he feels like he is going to die next but I know he won't. He panics over the littlest things, he could have a nose bleed and he would think that he is dying. 

The deaths of Liam and Louis has really worried him, he was closer to them than he was to Courtney so the two boys deaths would have taken more of an impact on him than Courtney's deaths. 


I got into my car after cleaning up the graves then started driving. I decided not to stop, just drive until I find a nice place to go to. 

I drove for hours until I got to a small town.

There was caravans, a beach, and there was several shops as well. 

I parked up my car then walked around the shops. I walked into a clothing store and looked around. I found some nice shirts and jumpers so bought them. I walked to the jewellery shop that was located near by then bought some new watches, bracelets, and necklaces. I bought my children some jewelery and bought my grandchildren some jewellery as well. 

I walked to my car then put the bags in the boot of the car. I wanted to go on the beach but seeing as I wasn't dressed for the beach I decided to go back to the clothes shop and buy some beige three quarter shorts and a black and white flowered top. I bought a pair of beige sandals as I had boots on. After buying what I wanted and changing into them I went for a walk on the sand. 

I hired a sun bed and sunbathed for a little while. I must have dozed off as I suddenly jumped and opened my eyes. 

"Sorry to scare you sir, I just wanted to let you know that you were burning. You probably should have put up the umbrella before falling asleep" The brown haired woman smiled. 

"It's okay love, no need to call me sir you can call me Zayn. Thanks for letting me know, I can see what you mean. I've gone like a tomato." I laughed.

"I'm Cally, I have a bottle of sun lotion if you want to borrow some of it?" 

"Sure thing, that would be useful" I smiled. 

The woman began to walk over to her sunbed and started rummaging through her bag. She seemed a little younger than me. Not much younger but she was around my age. 

She came back over to me and passed me the sun lotion. I squirted it into my hands then put it all over my face, arms, legs and stomach. 

"You're Zayn as in Zayn Malik, One Direction's Zayn right?" She suddenly spoke.

"I am, why?" I replied.

"Well when I was about 15 years old you were 17 and I saw you on x-factor. I fell in love with you boys then. I even had a twitter account dedicated to you. Then later on in life you took a very long break and we never heard much of you since then only a few concerts. But I just wanted to remind you that you boys were amazing back then and now you, Harry and Niall have each other until your time comes. Liam and Louis watch over you and so does Louis' wife. I can't remember her name." She weakly smiled.

I hugged her, that was the nicest thing someone has ever said to me. 

"Thank you. That was so sweet of you. That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me so thank you. I have a question though. I'm bloody starving where is the nearest chip shop?" I laughed.

"It's okay, I try. I'll take you now, it's only about 6 minutes away." She laughed.

We walked to the chip shop and then we both ordered food. I bought mince beef and onion pie, potato fritter and chips with garlic sauce and a can of coke. Cally ordered fish, chips and curry sauce with a can of pop as well. 

We took our food to the table outside and ate there. For the rest of the day I spent it with Cally. I took Cally's number, no one would mind. It's not like I would cheat on anyone. I went to a few more shops, bought some more stuff then decided to go home. I went back to the chip shop after it began to get dark.  I ordered a large lamb kebab meal deal. It was a large kebab, chips and a can of pop. I had garlic sauce on mine with lettuce, cucumber and onions. 

As I was waiting for my food to be cooked. I noticed there was celebrity pictures on the wall. I walked over to the wall and looked at them. There was one of myself with Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall with the chip shop manager. I nearly started crying when I saw that. I must have been here before. 

I collected my food then walked outside, I walked back to the car then put everything inside it then started to drive home. 

As I was leaving I saw a sign saying 'Now leaving Tenby, thank you for coming, we hope you enjoyed your stay'

I've been here  before many of times. I have so many memories here. And they're ones I won't ever forget.

The End - Third book to I.P.O.D.F & I.T.Y.F.TWhere stories live. Discover now