Chapter 70 - Final Chapter.

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*Louise's P.O.V*
*One year later*

The moon glared down at us. Clouds swam above us. Wind tickled at our skin. Stars lite up the sky. It was a beautiful evening.

Families gathered on the sand holding hands with their children and loved ones. Soft music played in sync with the sound of the waves rolling. It was time to start.

I climbed up onto the wooden stool and took a deep breath. I cleared my thought in the attempt of catching everyone's attention. It worked.

"Hello, I just wanted to thank everyone for meeting here today. As all of our parents are no longer with us I thought it would be a nice idea to say our final farewells to them all as a whole." I spoke with confidence before continuing, "I personally just want to say that it is comforting to know that they are no longer in pain or hurting in any sort of way. They're all back together now, the original clan are back together once and for all and that is all that matters." I took a breather as tears filled my eyes.

"They are with the ones they shared their life with, the ones they made a promise to, the ones they call family and friends. They are with the children who sadly became angels sooner than they needed to. "

"The beautiful angels that our dads lost during their time in One Direction can finally meet their idols and thank them for everything they did for them. Although your parents and loved ones are no longer with us in person I know they will forever watch over us and guide us along our journeys of life. We have made them proud and even though we may miss them we would not want them to suffer. We love our parents and miss them dearly. To our mothers, fathers and loved ones." I spoke holding up my balloon and lantern.

"To our mothers, fathers and loved ones." Everyone echoed.

At that moment we all let go of our balloons. Our messages were finally released to heaven and right then I knew it was time to move on with our lives and start making the most of spending time with our own families, making new memories.
To a fresh start. To our families.

The End - Third book to I.P.O.D.F & I.T.Y.F.TWhere stories live. Discover now