Give Me Liberty

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Following Kamala Through this building was astonishing it had alot of stars and stripes around it will all the American flags around the house I even saw Bucky Barnes U.S. Agent changing a light bulb didn't think that was happening out of nowhere a girl with long black hair and wearing a hoodie and sun glasses hugs Kamala From Behind

Kamala: seriously America do you have to always sneak up on me like that

America: yeah sorry But Cap wanted me to let you and the New recruits that we gotta mission so bring them to the briefing Room after there Suited up .

Kamala: you got it

We followed Kamala who got to our rooms pretty quick Tony really thought of some things cause there was multiple weapons in my room I just grab these retractable Batons
After we finished getting ready we followed here to this Big Room

Steve Rodgers: Hello everyone as you know we have a mission that would require a team of Four Bucky will be running the point

Bucky: for this Mission I'll be bringing America and the New recruits America has done the most missions plus we have history with the targets where rescuing Isaiah Bradley Wilson And Sam Wilson JR. The sons of mine and Steve's friend Sam Wilson The Falcon they are the main priority

Steve: Trust Me when I say they must come Home

We all nodded and left America Peter and I started heading to a ship America called it The Chimera


Tony Stark: pepper have you heard from Morgan ?

Pepper: she is in Japan she said she won't be back to the states til next Friday

Tony Stark: so how's the project we want to announce

Pepper: we got the property we wanted

Tony Stark: you mean island
But awesome glad

Pepper: I just got off with the workers and they said that everything is almost finish, but they want you to come and see it. To make sure that everything is up to your standers.

Tony Stark: F.R.I.D.A.Y. do i have anything plan for today?

FRIDAY: Your schedule is clear sir. you don't have anything plan for today.

Tony Stark: Then i think that I'll  go and give our project a little look see. 

Pepper: And you'll just be going there.

Tony Stark: Well certainly. Where else would you think that i would be going too?

Maybe back down to your secert lab to work some more on that white and golden armor that you built to fight that new hero in Boston.

Tony Stark: "Pepper." i'm just going to go to the island and just see how things are looking. after that i come right back home to you. that is unless a supervillain does attack. then it's Iron man time. 

Pepper: Just try and be careful Tony. 

Tony: Pepper you know me. when i do i ever do anything safe. (Tony then walks off.) Let me know if Morgan calls.

Pepper: I will. (Just as Tony leaves. There soon comes in a video call on a computer. Pepper goes to answer it and see that Morgan is calling. she then Answers it.) Hi honey. 

Morgan: Hi mom. is dad home?

Pepper: He just left. 

Morgan: He still doesn't know why I'm here in Japan? 

Pepper: Nope. but you know your father. unless it's hot super model, hiding something from him is not that hard. so no he doesn't know. But how are things going for you on your end? 

Morgan: Well i did happen to find out about Ms. Maylee. but she out of thee country with shield. but i think i did find out on where her father does live at so I'll try there.

Pepper: Okay. Just be careful sweet heart.

Morgan: Mom. I'm Tony Stark's kid. you should know that I'm just like him. but I'll try too. i love you.

Pepper: I love you too Morgan. see you soon (The call ends.)


(later on in queens)

its been pretty quiet so far no crimes not even a bike theft I'm starting to think people are giving up on being bad just as peter said that a loud boom would erupt thirty miles from where he was

Spider-Man: well I spoke to soon

spider man would shoot a web onto a building next to the one he was at and swung to it to notice a guy in a orange hoodie with a goblin type mask throwing these pumpkin type bombs in a bank 

Spider-Man: what the hell is that? hey yo pal blowing up shit up is not cool 

???: Spider-Man why the fuck do u got to show up now 

Spider-Man: that's easy to stop idiots like you from doing something illegal

just as Spider-Man said that this goblin looking guy threw a bomb at him and as he did so Spider-Man dodge it but before he could fully get it out of his sight it blew up causing a bright light which caught him off guard 

???: stay out of my way Spider-Man if you know what's good for you 

when Spider-Man came to the goblin looking induvial had disappeared from sight with what looked to be 300 million dollars

???: good he isn't in sight 

as the goblin induvial spoke a ring would erupt from his pocket which he answer immediately 

???: hello Ned?

Ned: what's up Pete its been awhile 

Peter: dude are you back in New York?

ned: yeah I am, I just gotta grab a few things and ill meet you at your place is that cool

peter: sounds like a plan oh wait I'm not staying with aunt may for a bit I'm in upstate New York with some relatives mind if we meet there ill send you the address but i got my uncle needs help 

Ned: sounds good buddy

I cant let my best friend find out about this I cant tell peter I'm the hobgoblin if he finds out it will break him and he doesn't need that peter has been through enough craziness as it is but if he does find out and tries to stop me I will kill him with no hesitation.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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