Death with a Blink

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It's been hours since my father Peter and I talked to Tony apparently after he left us him and the avengers got there ass kicked by a mutant that can run at blinding speed which sounds pretty scary when you think about it from what my dad found out it was the superhero that Tony wanted us to look into so now it's not a recruitment mission but more like a capture My Dad and Tony out me and Peter on stand by while I work with Dr.Strange and a friend of Tony's Named Reed Richards  hmm I wonder what reed Richards is truly like.

Reed Richards: ahhh ms.moon you made it welcome to the Baxter Building come up stairs we been expecting you

Following him thru this building was so amazing they had awesome tech beautiful paintings and awesome Cars I might have also seen Johnny Storm The hottest super model/Racer  you ever
seen no pun intended of course.

Sue Storm: Welcome back Honey this Must be the Girl you where Talking about ?

Reed Richards: yes it is this is Maria Moon Tony asked us and Dr.Strange Who will be here later to help us with unlocking and training her to use her abilities

Sue Storm: ahh well let's get her to the lab and get to work

As we started walking a orange circle would appear and out came a man in a suit but once he stepped out the portal his clothes changed he was now in like this blue robes and a red cape with a type of eye wrapped around this neck.

Reed Richards: ahhh Stephen you have made it now we can truly get to work


Killshot: we've made it this was the last location of the hulk

Deadpool: are we here to off him please let us be here to off him

Killshot: no he is a asset where gonna need his power to achieve my goal

Deadpool: your one crazy mother fucker you know that

After sitting there trying to convince Killshot that they should just kill the hulk the hear aloud bang so they ran for the sound once they got there they where shocked at what the found

Deadpool: holy fuck is that a Giant Rocket launcher I want it

As soon as Deadpool blurted that out a big green best with long black hair would turn around his beard was massive

???: How did you find me ???

Killshot: it actually wasn't as hard since there's always been reports of a big green man causing explosions

???: Well you found me what do you want

Killshot: your help??

??: What do you need my help for I'm a fugitive of the country

Killshot: That's why your a fugitive but people like captain America and iron man are free to roam and corrupt the Next generation I want to give you the chance to change all that with my organization We can do so much more as a group

??:Why should I believe you

Killshot: because I to have been lied to and used by the system
And now they are trying to do the same with my sister

Deadpool: so Big Green Hulky you in

???: I'm in on one condition The Hulk will stay dead Bruce Banner Stay dead all that will remain is The Maestro

Deadpool: Writer are you serious We get this version of hulk Fuck yeah

Maestro: Well come with me to my lab I have some things I want to show you

As we followed the Maestro it was like we where teleported from the forest to some mountain area

Maestro: Welcome to Planet Sakaar My new home This is where I create all my new inventions and plan how I'm going to bring down The illuminati.

Deadpool: There is one of those too here goddamn it

Killshot: shut up Deadpool listen

Maestro: Give my LMD Your weapons so he may bring it to my Lab

Deadpool: Wait isn't that The Teacher From your sister's school

Maestro: very observant wade that's a LMD there to its my way of watching everything strange and his inner circle

After swinging around the city and checking everything a man with a all black With white lighting bolts on them Right in front of him

Spider-Man: and you are I'm kinda in a hurry here there's a girl I gotta see

Black bolt: yes I know Dr.Strange sent me to get you consider your self lucky kid both strange and Stark believe in you kid
You may become the best out of us all

Spider-Man: ok but your kinda crazy looking just saying
Wait your not suppose to speak from what I've read

Black Bolt: Shut up Kid and come on we don't have alot of time
There are New threats to this world that we must stop as quick as possible and is that really important

Spider-Man: Good point let's go

A\N: That's it for this chapter the next chapter will be a bunch of big reveals including what Maria's father really be doing so tune in and see what happens also what did you think of the maestro reveal I can't wait to show you more of what is gonna happen with the This character.

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