𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 19: 𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂

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~Dally's Pov~

Today was Ev's birthday. She was now 15. I don't know what to get her, Steve was thinking I should get matching tattoos with her. I wouldn't mind but I don't know how she'd feel about that. I knew she didn't like needles but I wasn't sure. So I asked him to ask her. I sat on the couch in the Curtis home and watched Mickey with Two-bit and Ella. Steve barged inside and jumped on the couch next to me. "Alright I asked her." He smiled.

"Yeah? What did she say?" I asked.

"She thinks needles are terrifying but she thinks it's a cute idea, so she'd be down to do it." He said.

"Perfect, that's what we'll do." I smirked. Without warning Ev burst threw the door and ran up to me, jumping in my lap in the process. "Hey baby." I smiled.

"Hey mi amor." She smiled back.

"Why did you run in here like that?" I asked. She smirked and pointed out the window. I looked at Bob Sheldon's blue mustang. "What did you do?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I slashed his tires." She bit her tongue, holding back her laughter. I chuckled.

"I'm proud but why?" I saw her emotion change from happy to pissed really quick. It honestly scared me.

"Him and his little Soc buddies tried to jump me a while back so I got back at them." She clicked her tongue. "They really tick me off." She growled.

"I should beat their heads in." I barked protectively.

"No, I took care of it." She pecked me on the cheek. "I love you." She buried her face in the crook of my neck. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"I love you too." She was tough. I knew she could take care of herself but I still feel the need to protect her. I've felt this way since I first fell for her. I thought now would be a good idea to take Ev out of the Curtis house so they could get ready for the surprise party. I picked her up and she laughed as I carried her bridal style out to my car.

"Mi amor what are you dong?" She asked.

"Taking you somewhere." I smiled.

"Where?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I can't tell you just get in the car." I smirked. She smirked back and listened. I got in the drivers side and I started down the street. "Alright I want you to close your eyes until I tell you to open them." I smiled.

"Fine." She closed her eyes and I drove to the tattoo parlor. I parked in front of it and I got out of the car. I walked around and I helped Ev out of the car and inside the building.

"Alright open." I smirked. She opened her eyes and immediately shot me a smirk. "Happy birthday." I pecked her on the lips.

"Thank you mi amor." She hugged me. She looked around and found a tattoo (The picture at top). "I want this one." She pointed to it.

"Alright then I'm doing it too." I smiled. She turned to look at me

"What?" She giggled.

"Yeah I'm going to match you." I winked at her. She smiled and nodded. We told the guy what we wanted. She went first and I watched her face her fear of needles. When she finished she showed me her wrist where it read "Keep me safe." I smiled and switched seats with her. I started to get mine done. Damn how did she do this it hurts like hell. She had a look that told me she was trying not to laugh at me. A while later I was finished and we paid. I showed Ev mine that read "Keep me wild."

"They're cute." She smiled. I nodded in agreement. We then got in my car and I drove to the Mexican restaurant down the street.

"Dal why are we here?" She asked.

"I want to show you everywhere we had our firsts." I smiled. "Here we had our first meeting. And where I first fell in love with you." I said.

"I haven't been here for a while." She sighed. She suddenly scoffed. "Remember how you called me baby and I snapped at you." She looked up at me.

"Yup, how could I forget?" I smiled at her.

"So where now?" She asked. We got in the car and I drove to the park.

"Our first date." I said.

"That was so much fun, remember the duck?" She burst out laughing.

"Yeah that damn duck." I laughed with her. I then drove to our home. "Our first home together." I smiled.

"That damn house looks so good now." She smiled.

"Damn right it does." I then drove to the Curtis' house. "Here we had our first kiss, our first time doing it together, our first Christmas together, first new years, our first proposal, our first baby and miscarriage. Now your first birthday here." I smiled. We got out and we walked inside.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled. Ev jumped and held me. She then relaxed when she realized it was a party. "Happy Birthday Ev!" The boys ran over and hugged her.

"Thanks boys." She smiled.

"How old are you now 9?" Two-bit asked.

"Screw you, I'm 15." Ev clicked her tongue.

"Sorry I didn't mean to tick you off but you are short." He joked.

"I'm only 5,2." She thought about it for a moment. "Alright I see what you're saying." She rolled her eyes playfully. She's too cute.

"Well shorty, you want to open presents or what?" I asked. She smacked me jokingly and nodded. She hopped on the couch and Darry handed her a box. She opened it and there was a pair of black leather boots. She smiled and tried them on. They went up to her knees which made us laugh.

"Thanks boys." Ev smiled at the Curtis brothers.

"Actually Ev I made you a present." Pony said. He handed her a sunset painting.

"Pony you made this?" She smiled happily. He nodded. "It's beautiful, thank you" She hugged him. I felt this feeling in my stomach and without intention I started glaring at Pony.

"You're welcome." Pony saw my look and backed away slowly. The feeling went away and I returned to a plain face. Ev then opened a journal from Two-bit.

"Tanks Two." Ev smiled. He nodded. Steve then handed her a box. She opened it and she shot me the biggest smile. "A rc car." She pulled out a truck and a remote control. That feeling came back. "Thanks Steve." She ruffled up his hair. I felt my body tense up. Johnny then handed her a small box. She opened it and it was a pair of drumsticks. Ev looked at them in confusion. "How did you know I'm a drummer? I only told Dally." She asked.

"I just guessed since you are always creating beats when you're nervous." He said. She nodded.

"Thanks." She gave him a soft smile.

"Thank you boys, I loved everything you got me." She smiled. "Oh look what Dal got me." She showed them her wrist. They liked it. "He got one too." She smirked at me. I smirked back and I showed them mine. They liked it and we all hung out the rest of the night. 

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