𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 11: 𝓐 𝓖𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓻❜𝓼 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼

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I woke up next to Dally with his arms around me. He was still sleeping and he looked surprisingly peaceful. I heard crying from the other room and sighed. I pecked Dally on the cheek and got out of bed. I walked to Ella's new room and picked her up from her crib. "Hi sis, Merry Christmas." I said. She reached out behind me and I turned to see a messy haired Dally standing in the doorframe. I smiled and walked over to him and handed Ella to him.

"Good morning to you too." He chuckled.

"I love you." I smiled. I then walked downstairs and to my surprise there were gifts on the table. I smiled and shook my head. I turned to Dally who had his smirk on his face. "You are too cute." I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Am I now?" He smirked. I nodded. "I got you two girls presents and the rest are for the boys from the three of us." He said.

"Oh so we're sending gifts from the both of us now? Wow we're that serious?" I gasped dramatically.

"Mhm." He chuckled.

"Well, I like it. We should eat then get ready." I smiled. He nodded. "Great you can cook and I'll shower." I walked upstairs before he could protest and I went in the bathroom.

~Dally's Pov~

I carried Ella as I went in the fridge. What do I make? I was never much of a cook but I like to watch Ev do it so I should know how. "Should I make French toast?" I asked Ella. She smiled. "I'll take that as a yes." I set her on the floor as I took out the eggs. I cracked two eggs in the bowl and I mixed it. I then heard a gasp. I turned and Ev was in only a towel with wide eyes. I was confused. What is she looking at? Damn she looks good! I then looked at Ella and she was starting to walk. I put the bowl down and I kneeled down to her. She turned to me and slowly walked over to me. When she got to me she hugged me. I smiled and picked her up. Ev rushed over and hugged her sister.

"Good job sis." Ev smiled.

"You did so good." I smiled. Ev looked at me and pecked me on the lips. "Well baby what are you doing down here in only a towel?" I asked.

"I forgot my hairbrush down here." She said. I nodded "What are you making?"

"French Toast." I winked. Her cheeks turned pink.

"Well I'll leave you to it." She smiled and walked into the living room and took her hairbrush upstairs. I continued cooking and watching Ella practice walking. She was pretty smart for a baby, but to be fair what do I know? She could be dumb and I wouldn't know the difference. I finished cooking and Ev came downstairs. She had black ripped jeans, a black shirt and a red flannel. She had her grandmother's hoop earrings in and my necklace around her neck. Her curly wair was now straight and it looked darker and longer. She walked over and fixed herself and Ella a plate. I fixed a plate for myself and we ate and Ev got Ella ready while I got ready. I changed into my blue jeans, a green shirt and my brown leather jacket. I fixed my hair and I walked downstairs. Ev and Ella were ready and I took the presents. We then walked over to the Curtis house and Ev opened the door. Everyone was already here. I put the presents under the tree Ev decorated last night and I went in the kitchen. "Mi amor can you take Ella for a minute?" Ev asked. I nodded and I took Ella. I watched Ev walk to the bathroom.

"How is she doing?" Darry asked.

"I'm not sure she keeps having to use the bathroom, man I found blood in her clothes when I did laundry."

"You did laundy?" He asked.

"Darry, that's not the point. It's like she has her period man." I said.

"Dally, women don't get their periods during pregnancy." He said.

"What could it be?" I asked.

"She might of had a miscarriage." He said.

"A what?" I asked.

"A miscarriage is when the fetus or the baby dies before birth." He said.

"What?! That happens?" I didn't want my baby to die.

"I'm sorry to say but yes that happens." He sighed. Could it be her stomach problem? No, she's taking her medicine. Did she have a miscarriage? Ev came back and she looked fine. But I know her. She can hide her emotions and pain well if she really wanted to. "Well You guys want to open presents?" Darry asked.

"Yeah!" They all yelled like five year olds. We all gathered in the living room and being the dad friend, Darry handed out the presents.

"Alright we're going youngest to oldest alright so Ella gets to open her presents first." Darry said. Ella got a plush horse from Darry, Pony, and Soda. A bracelet from Johnny, a music box from Ev and I. A pack of blocks from Two-bit and a doll from Steve.

"So is it my turn or Ev's turn now?" Pony asked.

"Yours I'm older by 7 months." Ev smirked. Pony rolled his eyes. He got a baseball glove and ball from his brothers. A switchblade from Two-bit. A journal from Johnny. A lighter from Steve and a jean jacket from Ev and I. It was now Ev's turn. She got a record player from Darry, Pony and Soda, a leather jacket from Two-bit, a journal from Johnny, and a car engine model kit from Steve.

"Dal what did you give Ev?" Steve asked.

"I'm going to give it to her later." I said.

"Dally won't that hurt the baby?" Two-bit asked.

"Man, I'm giving it to her after everyone else, I'm not going to do anything like that while she's pregnant." I admitted. They nodded. We moved on to the rest of the gang. Everyone got similar things then each other. It was either clothes or something I can't remember at the moment because I was nervous. My present was a ring, an engagement ring. I was going to ask Ev to be my wife. I never thought I would get this far in life, I thought I would be in jail or dead by now but Ev has changed me, and she's the one. We we're done with presents and it was time. I walked over to Ev and I took her hands. "Man." I smiled nervously. What if she says no? Why am I thinking like this? "Ev, I love you so much, I have since I met you. I honestly you've kept me from doing so many incredibly stupid things and I thank you for that. Ev I know I don't have the best reputation or past... or record, but I will change for you, Ella, the gang and our baby. Ev I will never stop loving you and I plan to love you forever so..." I took a deep breath and got on one knee. I took out the small box from my leather jacket and I opened it, revealing a single silver ring with a single diamond on the center. Everyone gasped and Ev started to cry. Is the crying good or bad? She smiled. Well that's good. "Ev will you marry me?" I asked. She nodded frantically and hugged me.

"Yes I'll marry you!" She laughed. The boys freaked out and hugged us. "I love you Dal." She smiled.

"I love you too baby." I smiled. She said YES! I would squeal but you know. I couldn't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with her, but I know we'll have to wait to get married till we're both of age. Oh well. This was by far the best Christmas I've ever had.

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