𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽

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Dally and I got in his car and we drove to the park and we sat on the grass watching the sunset. "I've never watched a sunset before, I always thought it was weird to see someone watch a ball of fire in the sky set." Dally scoffed. I smiled.

"I like them, they help me relax." I said. He looked at me and smiled. I scooted closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder. He put his head on mine and we watched the sun set. After it set and the stars came out, we walked around and there was a little pond with a bridge over it. We walked onto the bridge and looked at the water. I then noticed there were ducks so we watched them swim around. "So papi, impress me with something." I smiled.

"Impress you?" He bounced his eyebrows flirtatiously.

"Not like that." I smacked his arm playfully.

"Hmm, I can talk to animals." He smiled.

"Yeah?" I giggled.

"I'm serious man, watch." He leaned over the bridge and looked at the duck. "What's up duck?" He said, trying not to break into a fit of laughter. The duck then splashed him with water and flew away. I laughed as Dally cussed out the bird.

"Nice effort." I pecked him on the lips.

"Yeah well I tried, I don't know what you want me to do." He said.

"Dal it's alright, I was just playing with you aight'" I took his hand in mine and smiled softly. He smiled back and we continued to walk. "Babe why did you drop out?" I asked.

"Why? Well I went to jail and I was just over the whole school thing.  Man I didn't need people telling me that I'm smart or people teaching me whatever they're teaching, because at the end of the day, I'm out here scared out of my mind wondering if I get to see another day. I get to live and experience life while those Socs are wasting their life away studying and doing things they wont use in the future." He said.

"Yeah, I think I would've dropped out with or without my sister." I sighed.

"But you're smart, you would have probably gone off to college or something." He said.

"I never liked the thought of college." I smiled.

"I never thought of it. I'm not the type to think of my future, I mainly think of today." He smiled.

"I like to think of what my future could be." I sighed.

"Yeah?" He stopped walking and we sat under a willow tree. "Well where do you see yourself in three years?" He asked.

"I would be living in a nice home with my sister and you. I'd have my own car shop and you would work with me. Also your uniform will be jeans and a tank top so I can stare at you all day." I joked. He chuckled.

"That sounds nice." He smiled.

"What about you? Where do you see yourself in three years?" I asked.

"With you or dead." He said. Well that escalated quickly.

"Care to elaborate?" I smiled nervously.

"I would tie the knot with you and we would live our lives together or I would probably die somehow." He sighed.

"Well I'll make sure the second one doesn't happen." I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on mine. He wrapped his arms around me and I looked at the stars. We sat there for a while when we decided to leave since we were both hungry. I walked to Dally's car with him and we got in. We drove to a tiny drive-thru restaurant and we sat in his car with the top down.

"So enjoying our date so far?" Dally smiled.

"Yup." I smiled back. "I really enjoyed it." I said.

"Really?" He took a sip of his shake.

"Yeah, I've never really been on a date because I've never been in a relationship or in love before." I admitted. Taking a sip of my shake.

"Woah woah woah, in love? You love me?" He asked. I almost started choking on my shake. Shit. Did I just mess up? I swallowed and sighed.

"Yes?" It sounded like a question.

"Give me a straight answer." He sighed. Do I love him? I think I do, I had never been in love before so I wouldn't know but I think this is love so I'm gonna go for it.

"Yes, I love you." I looked into his eyes. He had a straight face which sacred me but it broke into a new and adorable smile.

"I love you too." He leaned in and kissed me. I smiled as we kissed. I never really thought I would fall in love but I would've never guessed I would fall for the town's bad boy and my best friend, Dallas Winston.

The One- Dallas Winston X OcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora