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Adelyn POV

soft, so soft......too soft.

I felt paradisiacal. That was certainly strange. My bed was never that too comfortable. It's so warm and I squished in more into the covers feeling my own warmth on me. Ehhhh, my covers felt different too. I roll to the other side and suddenly remembering that my bed wasn't that large and that I might roll down. But no, am..... still on my...... bed? I roll again in the same direction, embracing the sudden coldness that my body hasn't been on this side of the bed. I am still on the bed. How is that possible? I stirred up. Ow, ouch my muscles hurt, I feel nauseous.

I quickly shot up remembering what happened. Bad idea. The back pain enveloped me even more. Fragments of memories of what happened trudged my mind. My face is boiling with redness. I also remember something about Colton but I couldn't grasp it. Parts of the memory was me moaning, trying to kiss, trying to get dirty with him and puked on him before I collapsed. Shit! Shit!

How will I face him from now when all those events will flash in eyes when I see him? What must he think of me? That I am a whore? That I am trying to get into his pants?

Well you didn't try, you directly went in there

Thanks, makes me feel even better. I put my head in my palms shielding my face from embarrassment. Looking around, his room is so much bigger, clearer, and cleaner than my room. My clothes are piled up on a chair looking like a Mount Everest any second ready to collapse. His room feels like that ancient victorian room with a touch of modernity to it. I suddenly envied him, for a guy he knows how to keep his maintenance and has taste.

I tried getting up, supporting the weight of my body against the wall. I have to apologize to him but at the same time, I don't want to face him after what I've done. This is so confusing. I have to get my shit together and apologize that's the least I can do and then I can hide in a pitch-black hole.

You mean hiding under your blanket under your bed. That's your pitch-black hole?

Yes. No comments. I creaked open the door and take the first step outside. The floor is so cold. There was no one, not even fly.

As I marched further, I concluded that his house is very massive, I mean even his corridors are larger than my kitchen. This house is like a royal one, deep caricature on the walls with golden specks to it. This looks quite intimidating. I glanced to my left and saw a picture, a framed family picture. I think this is his family. There is a gorgeous woman which I presumed is his mother. She has blond hair, eyes like the sky, in a yellow floral dress holding a boy about 4 years old in her arms. This is definitely Mr. Stanislav. You can't miss those cat eyes.

Next to her right lies a man which I suppose is Mr. Stanislav's dad, the husband of his mother. This man looks like the older version of Mr Oddball. The eyes, the posture, I mean there is a major resemblance. There is also a sleeping baby in his arm and the other one is snaked around his wife's waist. I think the baby is his sister, judging by the pink blanket around her. This picture conveys a lot of meaning, they seem like a very happy family, all smiling brightly and enjoying the moment. Even toddler Stanislav is smiling showing one missing tooth and cute dimples. Comparing him from this picture and him now, there is a massive difference. Why has he grown..... cold?

Ooh, the dizziness is getting me again. I squeezed my eyes shut and try keeping myself on my feet.

" Are you lost babygirl?"
( A/N i know it sounds cringy😂 😂)

That voice, soothing yet intimidating, I already know who it belonged to. Thinking of the devil.


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