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Hello there Wattpadders♥♥
I hope you are doing alright and not venturing out like hyenas.

This isn't a chapter post. It is actually an author's note thanking you for reading my book.

WE HAVE REACHED 1K!!!!!!!!!!!

                              ★WE HAVE REACHED 1K!!!!!!!!!!!

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Honestly, while writing this book, nothing came into my mind in reaching a certain amount of readers and I didn't even expected it to get so many. Reality dawn on me that I was able to make it this far and this gives my strength, hope and courage to continue writing Enthral
What do you think of the book? Penny for your thoughts? Any questions I will be more than happy to answer it.
My book isn't one of the famous book to reach millions but I'm so happy for getting 1K. And all of this is because of you all readers.

I want to thank you for reading my book and I hope you don't find it boring and a waste of your time. The majority of books that I have read quickly bounce on the girl and boy finding love at first sight and doing the deed right away.
I wanted to create a different book where both protagonists acknowledges that both love each other and love the idea of love, the small talks, the atmosphere, the mood rather than portraying them craving each other sexually, the lust.(I mean it will happened but not for the moment) Reading a lot of books made me realize that I wanted to write a story of my own and expresses it in a different and meaningful manner. At first I was a little bit scared but I decided to remove all my layers of fear and come out of my shell to publish this book.
Again guys thank so much this really means a lot to me.♥

There is one last thing I wanted to add,

Every person is a writer of their own book. You are either the vilain or the hero.

Here I end on this note. See you next time with a marvelous chapter.♥



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