Settling into games

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  "Dianaaaaaaaa! Hurry up! Enough resting let's head for the Game Center!!!!!"
Lisa and Diana were going to time zone at Waterway Point. The were elated!
They took out their wallet, put on their shoes and went straight out the door. " Now where is the way out.... Ahh yes to the right," exclaimed Lisa.
They took the bus to Waterway Point. When they were there, Lisa found a board. She typed in "time zone". The navigator showed them the way. First go to the east wing.then go down to B2 and you would see the time zone. They followed the instructions and eventually, they reached the time zone. They went to the cashier and paid for the cards. Surprisingly, the cashier did not speak Singapore's famous language, Singlish.
They played the Jurassic park water game, zombie shooter game.......
They had a blast! But eventually they had to go back to the hotel. They enjoyed their day at the time zone and travelled back to the hotel all exhausted.

Pls share my story

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