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The whole room was on edge and filled with suspense. Manager Kim was holding tightly onto Manager Yu's hand, waiting for you to calm down. You were furious! how could Manager Kim be so reckless! i mean she lives in America with me, how is she going to be with Manager Yu if she lives so far? and what about you? Why didn't she tell you earlier that she was involved with Manager Yu? 

Luhan coughed and shifted next to you, signalling you to at least say something to break the tension. All you did was stare at him, he looked at you with his soft doe like eyes trying to comfort you. But you couldn't be comforted; the one person who you truly trusted,  the person who was there holding your hand over the death of your brother ad she couldn't share this simple yet big thing with you? You looked back at Luhan with a pained expression before storming out of the room with tears in your eyes.

Luhan called after you but knew you needed some space, so instead he just looked at Manager Yu with a angry expression.

"I know Luhan... We messed up bad... But there's nothing we can do know to change the past. Whats done is Done all we can possibly do is move forward... Together" Manager Yu said before taking Manager Kims hand, rubbing it gently. Manager Kim smiled up at him but hes gentle gesture couldn't stop the tears from running down her round pale cheeks. She was afraid, she knew that they lived on opposite sides of the world and that they're love story was absolutely crazy! But now that they were expecting a child together they had to make it work. she was just heartbroken at how she might not be able to be with you as a manager or as your friend again.


"Are you sure this a good idea Sehun?" Kyungsoo asked fiddling with his pockets. He was on edge, Sehun said he was going to reveal himself to you tonight! In Sehuns hands he held the familiar flowers that were always waiting for you in front of your door. "Yes I'm sure, in order for us to move on and to give her a clear mind as to who she kissed at the After party... I have to do this" Sehun said before thee doors of the elevators opened to the floor of your suite. Kyungsoo kept being anxious, something wasn't right to him about this whole situation. Even in the taxi to the hotel he tried to convince Sehun to not go through with this whole thing but Sehun the over excited maknae did not listen to Kyungsoos' cries. he was set on revealing himself.

Kyungsoo and Sehun finally arrived at your suite. Sehun knocked a couple of times and waited for an hour with Kyungsoo before deciding to go back to the dorm's. And just like his past visits he left the flowers at the door once again.

The reason why you didn't answer the door was because you didn't return back to your sweet but instead went to the one place you wished no one would find you. You returned back to the Church you went to on the anniversary of your brothers death. You sat in the church quietly watching the light candles flicker, a few people were in the church saying their own individual prayers but all you did was sit. You tried your hardest to forget about Manager kim but every time you thought of her you couldn't help but think of Luhan in the process. Manager kim was acting just like you, sneaking around and meeting up keeping secrets. You knew that you loved Luhan deep down but eventually you would have to leave him behind and unlike Manager Kim who was having a baby you had to go. You couldn't stay in Korea Forever you have a life in the States and a Family just like Luhan had a life here. 

You shook your head, feeling tears come to your eyes. Eventually you would have to leave and eventually you wouldn't see Luhan ever again...

Luhans POV

I left the hospital feeling sick.  i couldn't reach ____ and i was worried something bad could have happened to her. My best option was to go to her suite to see if she was there. I got into a taxi still checking my phone for any messages that she might have sent me when i wasn't looking. Nothing still... I got out of the cab and thanked the driver before making my way through the lobby to the elevators. It didn't take long till i reached her floor , i walked the familiar corridor before i noticed something infront of her door. A bouquet of flowers lay there but they werent just any type of flowers they were her favourite flowers. I picked them up and in it a card was placed. I know it isnt polite to snoop but i was curious so i read it:


yet again i bring another bouquet of Flowers but this time I'm not going to sign this card as Anonymous but rather with my own name. My name is Sehun the youngest member in EXO, i know this might be a bit of a shock but i was the person you kissed at our Concert After Party. I'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier but i didn't want to make a fool out of you since you were convinced that you kissed Luhan. I'm really sorry for confessing like this but i really hope that we can speak some time to resolve this whole mess that i created.

Sehun :)

I felt my hand crumble up the little card Sehun wrote, i had a mind out of body experience everything after that was a just a blur all i remember was throwing the flowers in the nearest bin as well as the crumbled note that Sehun wrote before leaving the Hotel. I was really mad at Sehun but more at ____ how could she do this to me? Whatever her reason she and Sehun had a lot of explaining to do..

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