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"What do you mean by he texted you?" Kyungsoo almost yelled at me. I took a sip of my Iced Americano before I answered him.

"Last night before I went to bed I recieved a text from Anonymous (Showing D.O the text on my phone). I haven't given my number to anyone on my arrival besides you, Manager Yu, and three of the EXO members. "  I said

"Which members?"

"Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Chen. but Luhan also has my number but I doubt its him."

"How does Luhan have your number? Doesnt he hate you? I thought you were getting over him?" Kyungsoo asked while handing me back my phone.

I looked down before I answered him. How am I supposed to tell him what happened? That I didnt take his advice?

"Did something happen between you two?"

I looked up then I couldn't lie to him anymore. 'Dont tell him!' My conscience kept yelling 'You dont know he would react!' This whole time I haven't listened to my conscience and look where it led me to. So I lied.

"No nothing happened, I think he told me he stole it from your phone or something like that..." I said before sipping on my Iced Americano again.

Kyungsoo looked at me for a while analysing my face. "Are you lying... You know whatever its your business I guess it's for the best if I dont know right?"

I looked at him shocked almost choking on my drink. Did he know me that well that I couldnt lie to him? "I told you nohig is going on between him and I."

"Sure, but I told him id kick his ass if he hurt you or was mean to you. So just tell me of he does okay?" Kyungsoo said with a loving smile on his face. He really did care for me safety but in a friendly way.

We sat in the coffee shop for about another hour discussing the Anonymous case. We settled that we would keep carefull attention to Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Chen aswell as Luhans behaviour. Since Kyungsoo spent majority of his day with them it was in his hands to solve the case for now,  I just needed to inform him if I recieved anymore texts and flowers.

"I see you put the picture of us at the park as your wallpaper." Kyungsoo said

"Yea I enjoyed it a lot even though we were chased by your fangirls." I said rolling my eyes and giggling slightly.

"Haha you know whats funny?"


"Its my wallpaper too" Kyungsoo said before reaching in his hoodie pocket to take out his phone. "See..."

I looked at Kyungsoo's phone ans just like mine his wallpaper was the same as mine. I smiled and began to giggle but more openly. "Im going to miss this when I leave..." I said feeling sad. D.O was the only friend I made here and we became extremely close like a brother.

"Im going to miss this too" Kyungsoo reached for my hand and squeezed it. We smiled at each other and started laughing again.


"You promise to tell me if you find out who anonymous is?"

D.O and I were walking through the park now taking a gentle stroll since I was forbidden to see any EXO member compliments to Manager Kim, I was going to take a cab back to the Hotel and had to deny Kyungsoo's request to drive me home.

"Yes I promise. Are you coming to our concert?"Kyungsoo asked while rubbing his cold hands trying to warm them up.

"I dont know... I was asked to come for the publicise 'A DATE WITH EXO' but I dont really want to go." I said truthfully.

"What? You have to come! Not to publicise the show but just for fun. Right after theres going to be a party. You have to come I dont want to go alone."

"Sigh... Ill think about it."

when we left the park Kyungsoo hailed a cab for me. I hugged him and said my  goodbyes. "See you soon?"He asked while holding the car door for me. "Yea see you soon, hopefully we will know who Anonymous is then." I said. before waving goodbye to Kyungsoo.


"Where have you been?! Do you know what time it is? " Manager kim asked almost yelling. 'Why is she so stressed?' I asked myself.

"I went for coffee I told you this before I left. and its only 22:00"  I said walking past Manager Kim I wasnt in the mood to be yelled at especially when I had such a nice time with D.O .

"You werent with an EXO member right?" she asked folding her arms. I stopped in my tracks and faced her again.

"No. Why are you questioning me?  Its not like im keeping secrets."

"What do you mean by that?" Manager kim snapped at me. Why was she acting so strange? I was just saying.

"I dont mean anything I was just saying! Im not in the mood for this im going to bed."  I said walking straight to my room and shutting the door. Manager Kim had never shouted at me like that before, why was she so strange all of a sudden. I looked at the vases on my dressers the flowers were wilting except for one. They looked almost fresh, I walked towards the new vase of flowers except this time there was no note. I searched the flowers but found nothing. Strange...

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