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Chanyeol paced up and down Luhans bedroom trying to figure out a plan to tell SM Entertainments management why Sehuns face was so badly beaten. Luhan sat on his bed with his bruised and bloody hand on his face, he knew what  he did was extremely uncalled for. He felt bad for punching Sehun but he couldn't rewrite the past now.

Kyungsoo entered the room with an ice pack in-hand. He looked extremely worried, he didn't know if he should tell Luhan everything or to keep his mouth shut. 

"Luhan here... your hand is going to swell if you don't take this." D.O said handing the ice pack over to Luhan.

"How is he?" Chanyeol asked D.O with his arms folded. "He needs to go to the hospital just in case he broke something... He's awake though... he is just washing up his face." Kyungsoo said before leaving the room.

Luhan got off his bed picking his keys up from the nightstand. "Where do you think you're going? You cant drive with that hand of yours! I'll drive both of you to the hospital."

Chanyeol grabbed the keys from Luhans' unharmed hand leaving the room first informing the members that they were going to the hospital and wont be back for the next 3 hours maybe even more. Luhan walked next to Sehun not having the will to look at his face, both were silent as they made their way to Luhans' car in the undercover parking lot.

The drive to the hospital was silent and fairly quick due to Chanyeols' driving. Chanyeol didn't want anyone to know about this fight as is but knew he and his fellow members would have to explain what happened. He knew that if he told SM the truth Luhan would be in big trouble so they needed to lie in order to keep him safe. Chanyeol parked at the back of the hospital in order not to be seen by fans or passers by. Upon arrival Luhan noticed Manager Yu standing by the entrance waiting for them. He looked worried when he saw Sehuns face under the dim light. Sehuns left eye was completely shut and had a split bottom lip. he also had a large bruise on the side of his left jaw. 

"You are aware that SM isn't going to be happy about this right?" Manager Yu said looking at Luhan before ushering the boys into the hospital.

Sehun was the first to be inspected by the doctor. They took X-rays of Sehuns' face and concluded that nothing was broken. The doctor prescribed medication for the pain Sehun might feel later on in the evening. Luhan on the other hand after having X-rays done on his hand the doctor noticed that Luhan had a hair line fracture on two of his knuckles. The doctor immediately bandaged and casted Luhans hand. He also prescribed painkillers for Luhan and anti-inflammatory tablets.

Chanyeol and Manager Yu continued to speak with the doctor leaving Sehun and Luhan by themselves.

Sitting patiently in one of the doctors offices Luhan and Sehun continued to sit in silence. Sehun wore big sunglasses to conceal his swollen eye but he would occasionally lift them. Luhan decided he would break the silence between them.

"I'm really sorry Sehun... I didn't mean to punch you so bad. I just saw you and ___ kissing and i don't know i might have been extremely jealous or something because i just lost it." Luhan said looking down at his casted hand.

"I'm the one who should be sorry... I shouldn't have kissed her in the first place. I know how much you like her and i shouldn't have crossed that line. I mean if i were you i would have done the exact same thing." Sehun said laughing at himself after. He decided not to tell Luhan about the whole Anonymous story, that was between you and Sehun. 

Luhan laughed along with Sehun and it felt as f everything was going to be okay.

"So what are we going to say to SM? I mean i can always go into hiding for a while until my bruises go away." Sehun said trying to add hope into the situation. All Luhan did was shake his head in a no direction before saying; "I'm just going to tell the truth, i mean all thats going to happen is that they might suspend me or something..." Luhan at this stage was trying to convince himself that they would only suspend him. 

At that moment Chanyeol entered the room looking sad but relieved. "I see you guys have forgiven each other.. Well me and Manager Yu came up with an idea to keep you both out of trouble."

Sehun and Luhan both looked at each other hopeful before looking back at Chanyeol.

"We decided... We decided to say that after the date Sehun had with ___ You and Luhan decided to go out for drinks with ____. After a couple of drinks you both wanted to go home but she wouldnt let you so she started to get aggressive and began to attack you."

Sehun and Luhan starred at Chanyeol with their mouths wide open. This was a huge lie that they were going to tell. And it sounded extremely far fetched.

"Im not going to say that." Luhan said , Sehun agreed with Luhan but Chanyeol hushed them saying that the plan has already been set in motion. 

"The other members already voted with me and Manager Yu. Only you guys and Kyungsoo disagreed. You're out numbered."

"You cant do this Chanyeol! We going to tell them the truth, you cant stop us! I mean why is Manager Yu even agreeing to this?" Sehun asked outraged, everyone knew by now that Manager Yu and Manager Kim were affiliated with each other. Why would he encourage such a lie if he knew that Manager Kim was so close to you?

"Apparently Manager Kim changed her mind on staying here in Korea. She wants to fly back home with ____ till she is  settled in. Then she can come back to Korea again. So if he gets rid of ___ maybe it will change Manager Kims mind." Chanyeol knew that this idea wasn't right and he knew that he would be hurting people in the process. But his group members came first and even though he was hurting them too he didn't want to harm their careers.

"I'm still not going to go through with this lie!" Luhan said standing up from his chair as well as Sehun.

"Its too late... Manager Yu already informed the board... They hosting the meeting in 10 minutes time. The doctor who has inspected you both is on his way to testify against ___ as well as Manager Yu. Its too late..."

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