Chapter 13: Magic in The Soul

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At the head of the army I stood along side the she elf that I learned had the name of Melia. Riders circled over us as we approached the gate into the second wall.

Some villagers watch from the windows as the small army walked past. Archers on the wall aimed their bows at us, but did not fire.

We stood before the iron gate, no one made a sound. The wind whistled through the rooftops with the beating of the dragons wings. The gate began to open, but just enough that a single man walked out.

I looked to the she-elf and she nodded to me, "This is your army."

Remaining stone faced I kept a hand at my sword and began walking toward the armoured man assuming he is the one in charge of the kings army.

His face was covered by his helmet and his armour was draped in a red cloak showing he was in the kings personal guard. His right hand was on his sword as I now stood not five feet from him.

"If you surrender the whore of a princess then you and your army will have safe passage back to fires of hell from wens you came." He said with a confident voice.

"Now," I started, "That isn't very nice. I think YOU should take YOUR army and YOUR asshole of a king and tuck-tail like the bunch of swines I know you are and squeal your way out of this kingdom before my army turns yours into crispy bacon."

Heard the man gulp and his voice faltered a bit, "Y-you, will hand over the princess."

"And what makes you think I will do that swine?"


"Look at me in the eye and tell me why." I said very dangerously.

His brown eyes that could be seen in the helmet bore into my own. His eyes widened and I smirked as he began to spasm. I griped him by the throat feeling the magic in my soul that I could not control stealing him life and beginning to burn him from the inside out with the white fire in my eyes.

His eyes began to glow with the same light mine were as he chocked for life. I ripped of his helmet so I could see his face. Blood began to seep out of his ears, nose and mouth as the fire burned inside of him.

I have always kept my eyes hidden because they are windows to my soul and the darkest of magic that I could not control. Anyone who dared look into them for long would die and I would absorb their life and burn their soul and body.

The mans eyes dimmed and stopped glowing as his body stopped convulsing. I dropped him to the ground and turned back marching towards my army. I looked up at the wall as I walked and the archers loosens their bows unsure of what to do. Their fear was pungent in the air.

Looking back to my army of elves, men and dragons I said, "This is war."


I groaned as I felt the nudge of a large object, or should I say head, trying to wake me. I was sore all over, but the pain didn't bother me at all. Only the pain that I felt from my dragon made me finally open my eyes.

Everything was blurry, but it began to come into shape. I turned my head and saw Aquaria, my beautiful dragon, curled up beside me looking at me with her concerned eyes. I lifted my hand to pat her head and groaned in pain as I felt the stab wound on my stomach and back rip a bit.

I dropped my hand and placed my hand on the stomach wound and tried to concentrate on my magic to heal it, but I was too dizzy. I felt a hand grip mine and I looked over expecting Shade, but it was a woman I didn't know.

She had red flowing hair and was of elven decent with high cheekbones and green eyes, "Milady, we have healed your wound many times, but dark magic must have been in the weapon that stabbed you so your wound keeps reappearing. I am deeply sorry."

I couldn't say anything, there was nothing for me to say. I struggled with my free hand and placed it on the head of my blue dragon. She lifted her head up over my body letting my hand drop.

A small diamond of a tear formed in her eye and she squeezed it out. It ran down her face and it dropped into my wound. I let out a small cry as it sizzled in my wound, but the pain began to disappear as I watched black begin to ooze out of both my back and stomach.

Another tear dropped causing more blackness to seep out. Then my wounds began to close up and heal. My body shook with chills from the strain and blackness clouded my vision again, but not before I stroked my dragons face and thanked her for the gift that she has given me.

A/N: I apologize for the short chapters and not updating as much, I will try harder in the future. It's been exam week and I have so much going on right now I haven't had time to write. I hope you guys like it though and I hope to be more consistent with my updates :) I apologize once again and I will really try harder. :)

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