chapter 2: Execution

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I awoke but I was no longer in the battle field and the first thought that I had been in my bedroom safe in my father's castle. But as I began to wake up more I knew I was not in my father's castle. I was in a musty dungeon that had a heavy wooden door and no windows, not even bared ones. There was only one light source, a lantern that hung on the wall, I was surprised that the size of the dungeon was this extensive it could fit more then maybe even five people. My father's dungeons are small little secluded cells that are shrouded in darkness. My father leaves them in there until they go mad and scream for death.

Then there was a sound, a shuffle, from the other side of the cell and then there were more shuffles. I braced myself for a fight, then shapes came into view and they were human.

One of them said, "Princess you are awake." I could remember that voice from anywhere.

"Sir Gregory they got you too." My heart hurt; he had become a friend to me in the many lonely wonders in the castle.

"Yes they did. It has been two days since the battle there were seven of us in the hole here but now there are only you, me and Sir Jon. Those creatures take out us for execution. You must be weak; you have not eaten for days." He I heard him crawl over to me and he came in to my view. I saw that there was a chain around his ankle, I moved my foot and saw that I had one that was identical.

He handed me a slice of bread, "And when did you get that, how often do they give you food?"

He did not answer. He waved his hand at me to eat and I reluctantly ate a bit of the stail bread in only a few gulps.

Then he spoke, "This was given to us when we got here and no more."

"You keep the rest and stay strong." he looked down and I could see that he was still concerned, "It is fine it's not like we're going to live anyway. Our whole kingdom is done unless my father can get another child and stop making suicide missions."

He gave me a sarcastic smile that he knew I loved, "You are always so positive." Just then the door swung open and two Racton's flew in. Gregory moved me behind him and I grabbed his hand. One of the Racton's moved over to the side of the room were Jon lay unconscious. It ripped the chain from the wall and dragged him out. The other one came over to me and Gregory.

With all the strength that I had I pushed him a side and stood up in front of the Racton. It hissed and rammed into me. I fell to the ground feeling so weak. The Racton grabbed my chain and tore it out the wall like the other had with Jon's and began to drag me out of the cell. But Gregory's hand caught mine.

"I will not let you go to die!" he sounded so sure of himself.

"Let me go, Gregory. We all die one day, this is just my time." He reluctantly let go of my hand, but not before saying the nights parting.

I could hear the cries of cheering of a crowed and the sound of distant drums as the Racton dragged me out in to the bright sunlight. I squinted my eyes against the sun as I was dragged against burning stone. I felt the Racton stop, but then I was heaved into an iron cage.

Pain shot through my spine as I hit the hot bars, but I ignored it and sat up to look upon an elevated platform which Sir Jon lay on looking slightly confused and scared. I automatically reached for my sword at my hip, but there was nothing there. I whispered an enchantment, but nothing happened, I felt no magic.

I concintrated and then I remembered the bread, the damn bread I just ate. It was in a small amount, but it did its job and paralized my magic. The affects are only temporary, but how long they last I'm not sure of.

For the first time since I woke up I realized that I was helpless.

These things, the Racton, had striped all that I was from me. They stripped me of my armor, my family, my magic; all that I lived for.

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