Chapter 15: Into The Castle

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I had stopped to meditate and cool my head like my teachers had told me. It always worked before, but this time if anything it made it worse by making me worry about Shade.

I didn't understand why I was so worried about him, I mean I knew more then anyone else that he could look after himself. I couldn't deny that I felt something different for him then I had anyone else, but it shouldn't matter.

The armour that Ela found for me was of elvish make and had intricate designs over the chest plate. The metal was the finest that I have ever worn and so thin, yet I knew that elf metal, no matter how thin it was, a regular sword, even the magic one that I wielded, could not pierce it. Ela then told me she would meet me at the main entrance and she would be there with Aquaria saddled up for battle.

I casted a small locator spell to lead me to the entrance or at least to what I think is the entrance, either way I'm outside and the sun was starting to set which caused the sky to turn orange and pink. I stood there for a long while until the earth beneath me started to shake.

I smiled and closed my eyes starting to feel the bond between Aquaria and I becoming stronger as she neared. I looked into the cave and sighed with happiness bubbling in me as my now very large blue dragon started to trot to me.

She had a black leather saddle atop of her back and a chest plate with similar elvish designs as mine. She skidded to a stop in front of me and pushed me a bit with her head trying to nuzzle into me. I chuckled and scratched behind her ears.

"Okay girl, we have to go now as much as I would love to be with you here all day, Shade need our help."

She huffed a bit and nodded, I smiled a little: I knew she still didn't like Shade. I keep a hand on her hard scales as I go to the sided of her. She lowers herself so I could put my foot in the stirrup and mount the dragon.

She stands up again and I look down at Ela who seemed smaller and more nervous then before, "Thank you, I won't forget this."

She nodded and gave a bright smile. I squeezed my thighs and gave a gentle kick and with that Aquaria jumped into the air.


I could barely see straight, everything around me was red, my ears were ringing. Any enemy that dared approach me was dead in seconds. My blood pumped with adrenaline, I was infuriated and scared.

That woman, that witch, who spoke my true name and spoke of my father, I knew I could not run from my past though by hell I try. She wasn't dead, she could never be destroyed.

Just like my father.

How many times have I tried to kill him and end up in the brink of my own deathbed?

Too many times to count.

By body shook from anger, it gave me more adrenaline and a rush. I slashed through a cloaked warrior cutting through his spine and slicing him in half.

His blood splattered and mingled with the rest of the blood that already covered the cobblestones. My breath was heavy from fighting and my magic was growing tired, but the bloodlust kept me strong.

I swung my blade around and decapitated my next victim. I turned again, but there was no one to feel my blade. I lowered the sword as my head started to clear and looked around.

My men, covered in blood of the enemy, started to cheer into the air with swords high as if the war was over. But it was far from it.

I blinked blood away from my eyes and tried to forget that woman, she was not the issue at hand. I looked to the sky, but not a dragon was in sight. The beating of their wings could be heard in the wind so I knew they were still near.

Dragon PrincessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz