Chapter 18: Age of The Dragon Princess

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Holding the kings head by it's grey hair put a bit of a smile on my face. It sounds sadistic, but I was happy that he was dead and holding his head up so the lifeless eyes starred into mine gave me a sense of tranquility.

I lowered the head and tore the smile that was growing on my face as I walked past Shade and Grea whom were both still on the floor. I walked down the steps, skipping a few on my way down until I was at the base of the stairs.

I closed my eyes using calming breaths then began to walk back to the throne room. I was going to show my people that the war was over.


Aralia walked back down the stairs with the former kings head. The look on her face was a bit concerning, but then again if I had a chance to kill my father I would have a smile upon my face as well.

"Grea, we should go and inform the riders, sweets." I stood up saying this as she took her head both of her hands and looked at me.

"Yes, Shade, we should. Then," she paused, "then we can go home."


I stand before hundreds of men, woman, elves and children of the village and army holding the kings head. We stood in the courtyard where I was to beheaded.

The irony that it's Cronus's head that was removed from it's body. I placed it on the chopping block before the people and backed up trying to figure out what to say.

I have never given a speech before, it was always my brother that gave his words to the people.

I took in a deep breath and the words that came to my mouth were ones I could imagine Eldon saying, "Some of you have lost loved ones, your homes, your former lives, I will take full responsibility for them. And I understand if you do not want to follow me, but this place can no longer be your home. Word will spread to the Racton's kingdom that your king has fallen and they will try to invade.

"I cannot force you to come with me, only to ask that you do for if you stay here it is only death you will find. If you come with me you can find a new life in the caves and the surrounding area."

I wasn't sure what else to say, but I guess I didn't have to because the elf woman whom I now knew was Milia stepped forward to stand beside me, "The era of the King is over, the Age of The Dragon Princess has begun!" She through up her sword and roared.

I was surprised when the crowed roared with her.


I broke away from the crowd that was now cheering. My eyes met with Aralia's as I left and she may have had a smile upon her face, but her eyes were sad. She would never admit it, but I knew she mourned for the death of the man she had thought was her father.

Grea stepped forward to take Aralia's place as she stepped down and started walking through the parting crowd towards me.

The crowds were thick with people, I doubted that not one person was hiding away in their homes. I climbed on top of a barrel by the window of a home and pulled myself on top of the straw roof.

I stayed crouched on the rooftop not wanting to break it with my weight and I looked to the sky where the dragons were flying and smile lightly at Goliath feeling pride that he is my dragon.

I looked back down to Aralia who was smirking as she neared the small house. She pulled herself onto the roof and laid on her stomach beside me. I laid down relaxing for once and having calm energy flow through me.

My eyes began to close and I began to drift off until Aralia began to let out this girly giggle. I opened my eyes and looked at her she had a green earthy glow around her and I realized she had been using a sleeping spell on me.

"What in gods name are you doing, sweets?" I said feeling more curious then agitated.

She laughed a bit more, "I was never really taught that sort of magic before, only ones I could use in combat. I've never used the earth element before unless it had something to do with shaking the ground."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "So what you're saying is, love, is that you were experimenting on me?"

She thought for a moment then nodded putting on an innocent smile. "At least it worked, it's not like your head exploded or anything."

I sighed and shook my head chuckling lightly. I rolled to the left and on top of her so her front was to my back.

She gasped in shock and began to flail and smack at me, "What the hell are you doing, Shade?"

I crossed my hands over my chest, "It's called revenge, love. You should try it sometime, it's very sweet."

She couldn't see the smirk I had on my face, but I could almost feel the anger building inside of her. "You want revenge eh? Here's a slice."

She easily rolled me off then rolled on top of me pinning my hands down. My face was starting to turn a bit red and I was starting to feel hot inside.

That was until we heard a crack in the roof split.

Gravity took over and I couldn't help in those few seconds to hold Aralia close to my body so I could take the full blow of the impact. We hit the floor and I feel pain shoot up my spine and I groan in pain still holding to Aralia.

She coughed from the dust, "Shade, you can let go of me now."

I let my arms drop from her down beside me and I pant from the adrenalin of the short fall. Her legs still straddle me as the creak of the door opens and a recognizable laugh could be heard throughout the small house.

"It's about time you guys got some action, the sexual tension between you two is unbearable."

I tilt my head and see Grea standing at the door with her arms crossed and a half smile on her face, "Screw off Gre,"

She laughed, but Aralia it interrupted while getting off of me, "When do we leave?"

"All work and no play for you isn't it?" When Aralia didn't reply Grea sighed, "We're giving everyone an hour to get their shit together then everyone is coming back to the dragon haven."

She nodded pushing past Grea out the door. I sit up looking at Grea, "What was that all about?"

A hint of sadness was displayed on her face, "She just needs time."

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