"Are you sur—-"

"Oh yes I am very positive"

He sighed

"Relieved? Don't worry you have no babies on the way right now. Well, coming from me" I giggled

"I mean I wouldn't have been mad if you were pregnant. It's always been a dream to have my own kids one day"

"Justin, you hardly even know me. What are you even saying right now? I'm sure you wouldn't want your first born with some chick from a one night stand"

"Oh come on, you're not just some chick but yes I would rather have my first child with the love of my life. Just saying though, I would've been ecstatic either way"

"Yeah the love of your life......." I muttered before looking down at the menu. "Where is the waiter?"

I mean seriously I am starving and no one has come to take our order.

"Oh I ordered before you got here. We have pesto pasta coming with a dash of balsamic sauce and breadsticks. Then later you could order whatever dessert you would like. Sorry I just wanted to make sure the order was in before you got here because they do take a while to make it"

"Oh no you're good! Pesto is actually my favorite so thanks"

"Really? Well that works" he smiled

I looked down at the table as silence took over. It surprisingly wasn't a awkward silence either.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He said snapping me out of my short daydream

" oh it's nothing"

" Oh come on I thought we got through all of the ice breakers. This is a safe zone now."

I laughed

"No for real it's nothing"

"Okay maybe if I tell you what's on my mind you'll tell me what's on yours?"

My lips turned upward as I thought about his offer. As I began to think, I realized that I didn't feel so tense and awkward as I usually would when I first meet someone. Like I said, I was actually comfortable around him now which is just so shocking to me with my shy personality and all.

"Okay fine. What seems to be on your mind Bieber?"

" hmm where would I even start? I guess lately I've been stressing about work"

"How so?"

"Just juggling promotions, recording, updating fans, just the same ole same ole. Nothing major. Now, you". He placed his chin in the palm of his hand like a child.

"Well honestly..... I was thinking about you and Hailey...." I said avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry I know it's none of my business but I can't help but feel so guilty for what has happened. Did you tell her about me? Did I break you guys up?" I said all in one breath. I couldn't believe I actually had the guts to ask him right in front of his face

"Woah slow down" he chuckled "First of all, hailey should be the last thing you are worrying about. She's fine."

"She's fine? That's it?"

"Well yeah. There's not much to it." He shrugged.

"Justin come on you're totally holding out on me"

"Oh I mean yeah we did break up but it wasn't cause of you. We had other problems that I'm not ready to talk about. But just know it wasn't your fault at all and we're both happy."

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