Dirty Little Crime Boys || 10

Start from the beginning

"So I was like– stabbing shit, you know what I'm saying?" You stared at Tsukasa with a concerned look, with you never really encounter kids who had an interest in stabbing things.

"I should've cut off the wifi when I had the chance, I'll tell Isabella about that." The twins looked at you in shock knowing their Wi-Fi will be taken away.

Without the wifi, they couldn't watch Minecraft YouTubers, or even worse... they can't play Roblox.

"NO NO NO! NOT THE WI-FI NEE–SAN!" Amane tugged your blazer aggressively making you annoyed.

"WE SWARE TO BE GOOD LITTLE ANGLES! I'LL EVEN STOP TRYING TO STAB THINGS!" Tsukasa spoke, putting his hands together pleading for you not to take their internet away.

"AND ILL STOP TRYING TO BUY THE HOT LADIES MAGAZINES!" The other twin also replied taking the same pose as his brother facing you.

You stared at the twins in disbelief, seeing how they were children yet act so violent and perverted made you confused as ever, taking a few seconds for you to process what they said before it hit you.


"Y/n-san, why did you bring those nuisances?" You stopped from speaking further, seeing Akaza leaning on the car with his arms crossed as he looked at you, a little annoyed by the fact that you brought two little rats to school. The twins glanced at him for a moment before smiling widely.  

"BASKETBALL HEAD!" The twin's causing you to snort at the nickname.

"OI! I have a name you brats!" The tattooed man barked at the children sending you into a laughing fit as the kids looked at him with admiration.

"Pfftt... Basketball head, what a name." you laughed making the man click his tongue with irritation.

"Y/n-san can you please don't laugh at me," Akaza spoke stopping you from laughing too much, wiping the tears from the edge of your eyes you shook your head at the adult words.

"No. Now let's go before anyone sees you, also get in the back seat you rats" You pointed at the back seat causing them to nod their heads.

"Okay!" They saluted before running off to the back seat of the car, pushing each other in before closing the door.

You got inside the car on the passenger's seat, couldn't help but feel a little bit off like something was watching them from afar.

"What's wrong Y/n-san?" Akaza raised his eyebrows seeing your eyebrow knitted together 

"Let's get out of here quick, I feel like I'm being watched." You said putting on your seatbelts.

"So you felt it too, I was debating on whether to tell you but I didn't want to alarm you."

"It's fine, Akaza. Let's go operation sonic." You took out your sunglasses from one of the compartments before closing it back after putting it on.

"Uh, do we have to?"

"Yes, that is if you don't want to get followed."



"Finally we're doing something exciting for once!" Amane clapped excitingly while Tsukasa looked at you with eyes full of wonders.

"Does that involve stabbing?!"


"Dang it!"

"Don't worry Tsukasa, you're going to have the opportunity to stab someone one day." His twin brother spoke before putting on the seatbelts with him. Akaza heard the conversation between you and the twins, couldn't help but feel weirded out that a child wanted to stab someone.

Either way, he took a mental note to maybe recruit the twins when they're older enough into the mafia.

"Those kids aren't normal aren't they?" You shook your head at Akaza's question.

"Nope, they're like you." Akaza looked at you confused about what you meant.


"No time for chit chats!" You yoinked the car keys from his hand, stabbing the car keys in and turning on the car. 


"NOW STEP ON IT SISTER BECAUSE WE'RE ABOUT TO GO SPEED AND ANGRY!" You pushed Akaza's right leg causing the car to start off at high speed and that made the adult man panic while the kids were screaming with joy.

『• • • ✎ • • •』

The car steadily stopped beside the sidewalk, not far from the gate that the orphanage had. The car itself was not in great shape, with a couple of scratches and bumps here in there. Akaza however, gripped the steering wheel tightly never feeling this much stress in his whole entire life that was no match from his times with Douma, which he thought was the most painful times that he had with someone.

But this car chase with the cops tailing them and breaking many laws? Yeah, that was horrible. Not to mention the screeching children that were behind their seats.

"Y/N! THAT WAS FUN! THAT WAS FUN! Let's do it again!" Tsukasa cheered, earning a nod of approval from his twin brother, you couldn't help but chuckle at this on how they simply didn't think about the consequences of their actions.

"Yeah, no."


"Because it's dangerous you morons, you can do them once you're smart enough to get away with it. Now get out from the car and into the orphanage before Isabella notices."

"Fine..." They spoke in unison. Both kids got out of the car and closed the door, ready to sneak back into the orphanage. 

"Oh— and do not use your abilities kay?" You shouted to them, making them pause on their steps before nodding their heads.

"Okay, Nee–san." Tsukasa waved to you with Amane.

"Bye-bye!" His sibling smiled making you smiled as well while weaving back to them. They continued to sneak in from a secret exit or entrance that they had behind the bushes. 

"Gosh, they're such precious kids. Right Akaza?" You turned to the paralyzed Akaza who's still staring at the steering wheel with such an intense and terrifying gaze that just made you uncomfortable.

You couldn't help but feel bad about the whole incident that may or may not traumatize the guy. Now, you're trying to think of something that will lift his mood, at least a little.



"Do... Do you want—"

"Buy me pumpkin spice latte with nine shots of expresso. No whip."

"... That's fine..."



But like anyways, I'm also writing a Jujutsu Kaisen x reader that I expect myself to publish next Sunday If I don't I will cry—

But either way, I need to finish one of the books either sonic way or tails way which both sounds the same but I don't, I could be wrong.

Sorry, I rushed this.

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