The Uppermoons || 7

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The Uppermoons

The strongest group of people throughout Japan made was to serve the leader on one of the largest mafia groups in the world that has many generations.

The group consisted of dangerous people that have various abilities making them a big threat towards the other mafia organizations, they were known as merciless people who took down the third giant mafia faction because of a simple fight over a Big Mac.

And in the end...

They were victorious.




"Y/n-Chan!!" Douma let himself in and hurried towards you with his arms wide open, ready to hug you.

Upper Rank 2

Ability, Ice. He uses mainly ice attacks with his golden Duel Gunsern Fan, not to mention his immense durability and endurance making him a great threat, but the thing is he has the mind of a child yet a fit body of an eighteen-year-old male, very disappointing.

I don't even know why he's even an Upper Rank two considering he's like a stranded child who keeps clinging to me like I'm his mother.

"Oh, how I miss you-"

"Stop it" he was grabbed by the collar and yanked back by Akaza who scowled across his face.

Upper Rank 3

Ability, Technique development. The ability made Akaza have immense speed, strength, and the scariest part, the immense willpower to fight, as in to keep fighting even though he is taking a lot of damage.

I mean I don't have the willpower to live, now willpower to fight??? Wowza isn't that something. He also is a Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant making him an extremely powerful and skilled unarmed fighter.

"But Akaza-dono! I just wanna hug her- ow! Don't hit me!" The adult whined out to his coworker who only stared at him with disgust, ready to hit the man again.

You on the other hand was sitting near Haruto who sat on the end of the long wooden table, his fingers laced together as his red eyes scanned every person that entered the room.

A certain woman rushed towards you, she cupped your face with her hands on both of your cheeks causing your eyebrow to furrow on itself.

"Y/n! Look at you! You're a mess!" Daki complained examining your drowsy face and messy hair, backing away she looked towards you want to see your whole look, she sighed seeing you're tired as ever.

Upper Rank 6

Ability, Sash. She can manipulate her flesh into a cloth sash and able to store items in it, she also can manipulate her hair using it as a weapon. Daki has also shown the ability to telepathically communicate and monitor things through her living sashes.

I heard she can communicate telepathically with her brother, Gyutaro. It's weird yet awesome at the same time. Not to mention she's a great dancer and all those girly stuff that I don't recognize, she too likes to dress me up making her an expert in fashion since she picked almost all my clothes.

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