"This is you, take a minute to adjust before our communications liaison briefs us on your first case."

"Yes, sir." You said, but by the time you spoke, he was gone, walking to his own office. You sat and analyzed your surroundings. The desk across from yours was quite organized if you ignored the large stack of books towering next to the computer. You placed your bag on the desk next to you and pulled out the few things you'd brought to make this desk your own. A small framed photo of your niece went next to the monitor, and a book of your own, a worn copy of Cannery Row sat next to the photo. As you moved around your things, a black-haired woman approached your desk.

"Hi, I'm Emily Prentiss, you must be Y/F/N? Hotch told us to watch out for a new agent. Welcome aboard." She extended her hand to you and you shook it happily.

"Nice to meet you, Agent Prentiss, I hope Agent Hotchner only had good things to say?"

She smiled down at you. "Don't worry, he made sure to tell us how smart you are, it's going to be a big help having two geniuses on the team. And don't bother with all that 'agent' nonsense, Prentiss is just fine. Have you met anyone else yet? I'm sure they've got to be around here somewhere... There, Morgan! Come here for a sec." She called to an agent who'd just stepped into the room. You couldn't help but notice his predominant muscles as the newcomer arrived at your seat. "Morgan this is Y/F/N, Hotch's new prodigy."

"Hey there," He said warmly, making you feel like you'd already known him forever. "My name is Derek Morgan, but the fools around this place call me Morgan." He winked at Prentiss.

"Who's this?" A new voice asked. You turned and came face to face with the one and only David Rossi. You shot out of your seat.

"Agent Rossi, hi. I'm a huge fan." You gushed, reaching to shake his hand. "It's so good to meet you."

The older man smiled at you and shook back. "I assume you're Agent Y/L/N, it's nice to meet you too, I was very impressed by your scores in the academy. Well done."

"Thank you, sir." You blushed.

"She's gonna give Pretty Boy a run for his money, don't you think?" He said, turning towards Prentiss.

"You've got that right." She agreed, "Here come JJ and Garcia."

You noticed the two blonde women joining the group.

"Oh my God is this her?" One woman squealed. You were immediately taken aback by her outfit, while the neon polka-dot dress wasn't a stereotypical FBI uniform, you couldn't help but feel the immediate need to be her friend. "I'm Penelope Garcia, technical analyst, and overall lifesaver of the BAU."

You smiled as she pulled you into a hug, ignoring your extended hand. "It's nice to meet you." You said, pulling away. "That must mean you're JJ right?" You asked, turning to the pretty blonde on your left.

"Yep! The name's Jennifer, but you can call me JJ. I'm the communications liaison for the team. We're glad to get another girl around here, we've been surrounded by testosterone for way too long." She joked. "Come on guys, this one's a pretty big deal."

The group followed JJ up the small flight of stairs and into the BAU's boardroom. You took a seat quietly next to Morgan as the rest of the team filed in behind you. Hotch walked swiftly into the room, taking the seat closest to the front.

"Where's Reid?" He asked JJ.

"He's stuck in traffic," She responded, "He'll be here any minute."


You barely had time to gather your thoughts as Spencer Reid rushed into the boardroom, holding a book in one hand, and a cup of coffee in the other.

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