episode 2: Jump up and rise!

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"it seems to be working properly, feel any different?"

You heard Mei speak to you as you looked around your eyes tinted red as you felt stronger, agile and over all, powerful

"It feels incredible! It's like having a rush of energy"

You commented as you stretched a bit. You had activated the zero one driver for the first time and it didn't disappoint in any way

You felt so strong like you could take on the world! But you shouldn't rush things, the various test drives done beforehand made that clear to you

Both you and Mei had been working on her "special revolutionary baby" as she called it or as you preferred to say: the zero one driver.

For the last couple of years, using your father's research on the storage of large constructs in small objects and the body armor technology your mother had been working on to create the tool that would allow you to become a hero even while being quirkless

"Remember you'll be tired out the first couple of times you use it so make the best of it"

Your pink haired friend said as she stood up having an excited smile as she admired her work on the soon her genuine happiness at how well it had turned out made you smile aswell although it was a smile covered by the mask

"Tommorow will be the first steps of this amazing baby! I want you to give me as much feedback as possible okay?!"

Her excited tone made you chuckle before deactivating the driver

"Don't worry I will, im sure it won't disappoint"

She gave you a small nod before exciting your parent's workshop since Mei had to go back home before it got dark

"I'll call you when the exam is finished, good luck Y/N!"

"Good luck to you too!"

Closing the door with a smile you looked at your phone just before it began ringing, it was a call from you mom

"L/N residence! How can I help you?"

Your mother gave a small laugh at your way of answering the phone before she spoke up

"Hey Y/N, tommorow you'll be taking the U.A entrance exam right?"

U.A... a school made to train the heroes of the future, were many of the greatest heroes of japan had hailed from and in other words.

The school you'd be trying to enter tomorrow

"Yeah! I'm really nervous honestly"

"It's normal, you'll be taking on a new step in your life!.... I know we've already talked about this but... Your aiming for the hero class right?

Your mother's voice were clearly a bit worried... You hadn't told your parents about your project with Mei not knowing how they would react but you knew they'd be eager to hear the news once you entered the school

"Yeah, don't worry I'm sure I'll be alright... I know you and dad have your doubts bu-"

"No no, we believe in you. We just want you to know that even if you don't make it you'll still have our support no matter what!"

You were a bit surprised by your mother's words but smiles happily shortly afterwards nodding

"Thanks mom!"

You said your goodbyes before she hung up taking a deep breath before smiling even more

"I'm sure we won't disappoint!"

REALIZING HERO (my hero academia x kamen rider reader)Where stories live. Discover now