9: Warming Up To You

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You sat at the dinner table within your home watching as your father dropped a plate before you with a kind smile. "Steamed fish." He said, walking away with his hands behind his back. He turned and gave you a kind smile, "tell me darling, how was your trip? Delightful?" You nod your head slowly, poking at the fish with a frown, "it was nice." "That's good." He told you. "Your exams are just weeks away, and you can't fail you hear me? If you fail again, you'll be expelled, and I'm sure only the lowest of schools will accept you."

Forcing yourself to hold back tears you stand and bow to your father. "Then I'll go study right now." "Good girl."

[At School.]

Koro-sensei switched from student to student as they all packed up on their studies. The finals were near, and if they passed, college was surely smiling upon them. The highschool students were all nervous, not knowing if they'd even cut it to their college of choice, but they had to make due.

"Come on y/n!" The teacher yells, "I KNOW you can do it!" Even Irina doubled up on the English, and boy was she not playing! Extra homework was given, including in class tests to see how far along are you in memory, or just knowledge.

You walked down the hills beside Nagisa, Kaede and Karma, behind the four of you being Rio, Sugino, Yukiko and Hiroto. Everyone else was talking to another, but you and Nagisa stayed silent. His hand secretly in yours and no one seemed to notice. You pass by some trees, and that's when Nagisa made his move. Quickly he dives into the tall bushes and pulled you along with him.

"Oi! Nagisa!" He placed a hand over your mouth and raised a finger to his lips. After a full ten seconds he removes it slowly, staring at you with worried eyes. "What's going on?" He asked. You shuffle your feet, "what do you mean?" Nagisa placed a hand on his hips and leaned in close to you so your noses touched. His lips swiftly brushed against yours, then Nagisa moved back.

"I know when something's on your mind y/n. We've been friends for five months now, and dating for one week. You can't lie to me." You frown as he pressed his lips against your cheek, "so just tell me what's up." The sixteen year old muttered in your ear. With a smile you push him off gently, "I'm just upset about my grades." You lied, "and I think I won't cut it."

"Seriously?" Nagisa smiled and held your hand, "if you're that upset, let me tutor you! Exams aren't far, and they're not close either. If you need any help, tell me." He started walking again, with you closely behind.

After catching up with the others Sugino started questioning the light blue haired pretty boy. "Where were you?" He asked the shorter male. "Y/n lost her book, so I helped her find it." "Really?" The dark blue haired male looked from Nagisa to yourself. "Well, okay then."

"We're having a study over at Karma's!" Rio announced. "A..study over?" "Yep!" Karma gripped Nagisa by the neck and kissed his forehead, "hey knock it off!" He leans back and rubbed it off. "A study over! The opposite of a sleepover!~ And you guys are invited!" "Wait, what about the rest of class E?" Kaede asked with a pout. "Oh, some of them got excuses."


"Yeah, Kirara, Sosuke, Taiga, Itona, Kimura and I were gonna get out study on at my place. So basically, no dipshit I got plans."


"A sleepover? Oh! A study over! Sure, I'll be there!"


"Wouldn't miss it Karma!"


"Sorry, I have a family event to go to."


"Hinata and I actually had other plans, maybe next time?"


"Sure, I need the extra studying anyways."


"I'll be there."


"You better have food though!" "Oh, I'll feed you alright~" "Ew KARMA!"

"So some said yes and some had other plans." Karma sticked his hands in his pockets, sending a wink your way. "Will you guys make it?" "Absolutely!!" Nagisa, Rio, Kaede, Maehara and Yukiko yell. All except you. "I gotta ask my parents.." you say to them. "Well, okay. Anyways while we're at it we can also discuss the killing of.."

Nagisa waved off to the others, "we'll see you at eight!" He turns his attention to you, wrapping arm around your shoulder to try and comfort you. "You'll be there though, right?" You nod slowly, "if I can persuade my father." He stops and gave you another sweet kiss, this time, allowing you the time to kiss back. You moan slightly feeling his tongue run on yours and his hand grip to your hip.

The lights to your home flicked on, and the figure of your father made you stop the kiss. "See you, Nagisa." "Bye hon." You enter your home and close the door behind you. You were desperate to be a teenager, to go out and have fun with friends and not be the living breathing puppet your father so desired.

"Can I go to a study over at a classmate's?" You ask bravely. Your father gently placed his tea on the table and his eyes lit up in the dark, "what's his name?" "Karma Akabane." There was silence until your father went back to sipping his tea. "Get your stuff ready then, and carry the necessary books."

You couldn't begin to explain the joy you felt as you rushed up the stairs, putting sleeping clothes into a duffle bag along with undergarments, your school books, your extra uniform and finally a water bottle. "Father!" You tell downstairs, "it starts at eight!" "Then relax! You have a few hours left!" In those few hours you took an extra shower, watched your father leave again for work, and lay in bed rereading your notes.

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