11: One Punch

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Breakfast the morning after was silent, as everyone was really tired. Especially the two, Shiota and L/n. They decided not to share the experience they had with anybody, especially since it was so private. The only one that made breakfast awkward, was Karma. "How'd you guys sleep last nice?"

"Like a log!" Toka yelled to them, her arms behind her head as she stared up at the ceiling. "I slept fine." Meg told Karma. "Oh yeah, how bout you Nagisa?" Nagisa jolted at his name, glancing at the red head with a kind smile, though it was tired. "I slept fine too." "Sure you did."

The bluenette's face turned pink as he gripped to the table, 'does Karma KNOW?!' He asked himself. Studying Karma more, his vibe was the same old Karma's. Mischievous, but that didn't help. "And you, y/n?" Y/n gave Karma a smile as well, "I actually slept well." 

"Yeah?" Karma picked at his food, "I didn't sleep good at all. Something was knocking on a wall, and it kept me up half the night." Suddenly, Karma pointed his fork at Nagisa. "Did you two fight for the sheets?~" 

Shiota nearly had a heart attack! Karma thought they were fighting for the sheet, not banging like rabbits.

"Y-yeah, I let her have it eventually!" Nagisa glanced over to his girlfriend, who was hardly looking at everyone, and simply drinking her mug of coffee. 

Koro-sensei sat down patiently counting all the students that walked in, his eyes were squinched seeing how close Karma was to y/n, and how annoyed she got even when he touched her cheek. "Halt!" The octopus yelled. He separated them, "Karma, why do you annoy y/n?~" Koro-sensei whined.

"Because her faces are funny!" 

Together the class greeted Irina when she walked in, and together they sat. "Professor Bitch!" Maehara called to her in the middle of an explanation, "is it possible to write both the sender's address, and the receiver's address on the left side of the page in a formal letter?" Irina nodded, "actually, it IS possible. That's not illegal!"

Y/n raised her hand next, "is it possible for me to outrun Karma?" Hearing this, Ritsu snickered and held her mouth quickly. 

"That's not funny." Karma told her with a weird smile. "What's not funny? Outrunning you?" This time, Manami was the one to look back, "outrunning Karma!!" She yelled back, her hair falling before her eyes as the rest of the class, including Irina began to make fun of Karma's name.

"He's such a charmer~" Nagisa teased, "all the bugs and larva follow him to COLORADO!!" Kayano screamed. 

Karma pouts as his entire face turned red. "I-isn't that some song by that guy Alec Benjamin?!~" Okajima laughed, "why aren't YOU famous Karma!" "At least I got fame!" Karma yelled to them. He crossed his arms, "you're all so annoying sometimes, quiet down!"

"Are you getting touchy?" Rio asked the boy. She wrapped her arms around his neck in a headlock, "OMAE WA MOU, SHINDEIRU!" "Stop!!" Irina yelled, "class dismissed, for now!" She ran out the class, laughing her ass off to Karasuma. 

Y/n all the while had a devious smirk on her face. She got her sweet revenge on Karma. 

[One Week Later]

Hunched over, y/n hurled into the bush. Nagisa gently rubbed her back up and down, obviously worried for the fifteen year old. "What did you eat?" He asked. "I had [least favourite food], my father said I should have tried something new. Since I'm apparently gaining some weight, slowly but surely, he also had me do running on the treadmill this morning!"

"Damn." After rinsing her mouth, y/n leaned back on Nagisa. "Never again." "If you feel more sick, tell Koro-sensei." He gave her a quick kiss to the cheek, before lacing his fair fingers with her s/c ones. 

When they sat in class, y/n lay her head down on the desk and slept most of it through. Before Nagisa could go check on her, Karasuma called the boy to his office. Instead, Karma checked on y/n. He didn't hesitate to punch her arm, he just didn't expect her reaction to be an angry look.

Usually, she'd just punch him right back, but right now? Seems as though she was about to kill him. "Aye now, I was only playing n/n-" her fist collided with Karma's jaw, bruising it badly when he tumbled over a desk and ended hitting into the wall. "Woah," Karma said to her.

He stood up and rubbed his jaw, "that actually hurt! You punch harder than Nagisa, good job!" The red head kicked the desks aside, just as Itona unfortunately walked in on the scene. He took a U-turn, running to get a few other classmates. 

"You hit like my grandma." Y/n spat. Karma swung his fist to her belly first, and y/n leaned over with a very pained expression. "Does it hurt?" Karma smiled and swung his fist back to her belly, "I'm sure it does!~" 

He wasn't done yet! Lifting her by her shoulder, Karma was about to knee her when y/n kicked him right to the balls!

The red head grunted and glared, just to get a kick to the face, spinning into the desks again, but not falling on his ass. "Karma! Y/n! Stop!!" Yukiko tried breaking them apart, only to get slapped by both of them. She fell into Isogai, who handed her to Maehara and stepped up. 

He caught y/n's fist, as well as Karma's. "You two, are in so much trouble." Y/n's fist dropped slowly, and she fell forward hitting her face into Nagisa's hands. He barely made it. Nagisa lifted her slowly and frowned, running his hand from her face, down to her belly.

He froze, lifted it and stared for a very long time at the marks Karma left, and finally he looked at her belly itself. 'What...the...fu-' "What happened?!" Koro-sensei yelled historically. He grabbed both Karma and y/n, not wasting time as he rushed off to the hospital.

"Your students are okay." The nurse reassured Koro-sensei. "Thank you!!" Since neither of their parents could make it, Koro-sensei made it his duty to stay by each if their sides. He didn't have to go meet Karma, Karma came to him.

"How's y/n?" Koro-sensei's face turned black, before going yellow. "You should know Karma, she's badly injured. But fine. According to the nurse." 

The nurse came back, "you can see her now!" "YIPPEE!!" Koro-sensei rushed to y/n's room.

The girl lay on the bed with her hands across her head, groaning in pain when she got her last injection to ease the pain she was in. "Sir," the nurse whispered, "the little lady is pregnant. It's a good thing that the baby wasn't hurt!" Of course, y/n knew of this before Koro-sensei did, because they told her first.

Koro-sensei looked from y/n, to Karma, and thought about this long and hard. When the nurse left, he also told Karma, "excuse y/n and I."

The second the door closed, Koro-sensei gripped her hands. "You have to tell me who the father is y/n. Nagisa, or Karma?"

Liar // Nagisa Shiota x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin