12: Pregnancy Reveal

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Silence filled the room and Koro-sensei wasn't moving an inch. His tenticles wrapped itself around him and he kept munching on sweets. "It's Nagisa's." 

"Ah!" The octopus sprinted up. "I knew it!" He rubbed your belly while nodding. "I know it's not my business but as your teacher! You should tell your father." "What?!" You shake your head, "I can't! Exams are in two weeks, I can manage to hide it without any suspicion, I just can't tell him!"

"Y/n!" Koro-sensei rubbed his face, "I don't think it wise to hide this from him! But if that is what you want so be it." You nod slowly looking away from Koro-sensei. "Are you going to tell Nagisa?" You immediately shake your head, "I can't." "Will you even keep the child?!" Koro-sensei teared up. 

"I don't know.."

Karma knocked before entering. "You were taking way too long octopus." Seeing you were awake he rubbed his chin, "how'd you sleep sleeping beauty?" "Shut up." An amused smile on his face. He sits on your bed patting your hand. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay." He chuckled, "you're not dead. Your injuries weren't fatal." He eyes you, before standing up.

"Can we go home now?" The red head asked his teacher. Koro-sensei nodded rapidly, "yes of course! Let me just sign off the papers!!" 

[Two Weeks Later . . .]

Your head swings getting out of bed. Your knees buckled and you ran to the toilet, barfing till your chest got tight. The taste of vomit lingered until you washed your mouth and rinsed. The effects of pregnancy weighed in. You started getting bigger, but it was easy to hide your small round belly. 

All you did was get a bigger uniform. After your morning bathing, brushing your teeth and picking out your uniform you stared in the mirror. Today was the day you'd reenter Kunugigaoka High. You had your subjects for the day marked at the back of your head, and you studied over all throughout breakfast. 

"You're excited." Your father commented, "that's good. But focus!" 

When you arrived at school you seemed out Class E, and luckily you were able to find them quickly all thanks to blue hair. "Nagi!" Nagisa turned quickly seeing as it was you. He quickly hugged you tight, peppering your face with kisses. "I was so worried about you!" He said, "I thought you wouldn't have made it!"

You smile at him, kissing him gingerly to which Nagisa happily kissed back. His hands trailed to your lower back and he pulled you closer, until Karma bonked his head making him accidentally bite on your lower lip.

You both pull away fast and you wipe away the blood, glaring at Karma. "Sorry!" Nagisa tried helping, but you brushed him off. "I'll be fine babe."

Karma soaked but never said much. His actions spoke for him. 

The hall erupted in silence as Principle Asano appeared. He smirked down at everyone. "Today, is the day we determine whether you're good enough for this school, or bad enough for E Class." There was mocking laughter from the other students as class E scowled.

Irina bit her tongue. Karasuma sighed and gave you all sympathetic looks, but Koro-sensei held up several flags with each of your faces on it. "Go Karma! Go Kaede! Nagisa! Go Maehara! Y/N! Hinano! Riiiooo! Hinata! Ryouma! Taiga! Kirara! Sosuke! Rinka! Chiba! Yukiko! Isogai! Go Meg! School them Itona! Sumire! Manami! Ritsu! Go Kōki! Kōtarō! Taisei! Go Toka! That's my students! That's my students! CLASSSSSS E!!!"

Everyone gave Koro-sensei a big thumbs up, and Principle Asano glared. "You may all enter." He says. The doors opened, you squeezed Nagisa's hand and he squeezed back for luck and comfort, then your seats were assigned. Your head was low, pen in hand and chewing on your lip.

Now, it was time to show what you've studied for. 

Your mind raced and you entered the arena with Geography. Isogai and Meg in view as Kōtarō battled the monster head on with someone from Class A on their tail as well. You tightened your hold on your battle axe, ready to run over when a flash of blue passed by, grabbed your hand. Leading both yourself and Nagisa into the battle, with Geography.


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