13: Somebody Knows

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Sweat was rolling down your forehead non-stop as you flew through the test. Your heart raced every time you had to stop and think, and sometimes you found yourself either looking at the teacher or the clock. The need to pee was there! You weren't all that confident in yourself, for sure. But even if you weren't you promised yourself you wouldn't fail!

And failure in your family, was NEVER an option!!

[Two weeks later]

Chitter chatter in the student council's room went about as they discussed the exams that went on two weeks ago. Isogai and Meg were mostly silent, but every once in a while they spoke up. "It was rather difficult this year." Butt face spoke. " Eh, it kinda was. Those questions were made for College students! " Gakushuu was the most boisterous on the other hand.

He shook his head and slammed his hand on the table startling everyone there, including yourself. He made eye contact with you before looking over everyone. "Does it God damn matter?" He calmly asked. "The test was set by our government but our principal himself altered a few things. So what? Big deal! The thing is we all did it, we're going to pass because he trained us for this, and Class E will fail!!" 

The orange head hated sticking up for his father. "He has a point." You agree, " except for one thing. Class E won't fail. We're not one to go down so easily. "

The meeting was over and you were walking back to the mountains with Isogai and Meg. Your extra big clothes weren't unnoticed. Being about one month already, you wondered how you were able to hide it up to now! 

You neared the beginning of the mountains when a faint voice called at to you from behind. "Y/n!" Stopping you turned to see Gakushuu approaching. You turn to speak with Meg and Isogai, "hey, I'll catch up with you two!" They give concerned looks but nod. " Alright. Meet you at the top y/n! " Isogai placed his hand on your shoulder and Meg pats your head. Once they turned their backs the young man started his bullshit. "What's up y/n?" He spoke, " comfy already with Class E? "

 "Is that what you stopped me for?" You glared at him, staring into his golden brown eyes. "Yes." He calmly spoke. "Just wanted to see how the greatest failure is doing." You didn't even wait to hear the rest. Up the mountain you walked in frustration, at the top stood Meg and Isogai looking down at you. Getting closer that's only when a large mass of blue hair caught your eyes. Nagisa rushed pass the two, he threw his arms around you and kissed your soft lips deeply holding you close.

You didn't deny him, kissing back just as deep. It only stopped once Karasuma walked over and broke the little reunion up. "You two, stop sucking each other's faces off, it's time for PE!" Not embarrassed at all you both shared a smile and went to get changed. "How was the talk with Asuno?" "You saw that?" A small chuckle exited your lips holding Nagisa's soft hand. "I did." You nudge him for reassurance. "Nothing special~"

In return your lover gently squeezed your waist. A smirk across his lips and a glint in his ocean eyes. You felt a warm feeling in your belly, the butterflies returned!~ Just as you kissed his cheek Rinka passed by tugging at your sleeve, "come on y/n. Let's change!" "I'll be right with you Rinka!" You tell the orange head sniper. Giving Nagisa a nervous smile he leaned on close, his breath on your nose before he kissed your forehead swiftly and ran off to catch up with Karma and Maehara. 

You enter the changing room and go off into your corner pretending to remove your clothes, and then faking being sick. All through out that month you've continued to skip PE. Of course this caused attention on yourself. It also resulted in Karma bullying you more, but you never gave in and listened to his taunts! 

Sitting in the classroom you watched painfully as they trained, laughed and even played once in a while. Your silence was echoing, and Koro-sensei walked in to taste it. "Ah, well if it isn't my pregnant student!" "Be quiet!" You told him quickly, "that sounds weird and you're too loud!" " Oh, I'm so sorry! " The yellow octopus bowed and sputtered words of apology. He looked up just in time to see you with an Anti Koro-sensei Knife in hand. "Woah now did I offend you that much?!" "You're just so loud-"

You tell him. Retracting the knife you threw it elsewhere and sat, pulling out a light snack and eating. "I'm sure you must be anxious to tell Nagisa." Koro-sensei chanted. " No, I'm not. " You groan. "Graduation is in two months!~" Koro-sensei once more teased, "how can you hide that growing belly of yours?" " I can! " You scream at him, "I can okay! It's not that hard! Leave me alone!" " Alright, alright. " The alien raised his tentacles. "I'm sorry for disturbing you."

 All through the second month you'd stay home often, only coming to school of important things were happening. And at home you'd be in your room. Only coming out once everyone left. That didn't stop Nagisa though. He often called. He often came. Brought you whatever it is you wanted and never questioned it. He just wanted to love you wholesome, and he did it just right. Now the third month rolled in and you forced him to see you less. Graduation was very near. It was time to go to college, yet you were still bloated. 

Just as you threw on your dress that special day (Graduation Day) and looked yourself in the mirror you got an anonymous call. "I know your secret."

And you knew the voice too.

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