annoying a/n sorry but please read

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Hey guys! It's the flakey author with abandonment issues, me. I just wanted to check in with you guys and update you guys on my hectic life Anne explain why I've been gone for so long.

The next chapter IS nearly done, just need to finish and edit. The reason it's taken me so long is bc early August I was hospitalized (and nearly died!) because I didn't know but I am a Type 1 diabetic, which basically means my pancreas isn't fully functional and doesn't create enough insulin for my body. I got sick at some point either this or last year and the virus cells that entered my body at that time looked similar enough to my insulin producing cells so my immune system ended up harming them. My blood sugar was 655 (for reference normal range is about 80-180) when I was admitted and I'm really lucky I didn't end up in a coma.

Since then I've been recovering and focusing on making lifestyle adjustments so I don't end up in a hospital again because of that. While i haven't had a lot of energy to write and edit, I have been plotting the rest of this story and pairing the plot with the playlist I mentioned before.

While I'm here I also want to say that this is almost to a 1k reads!? What the heck! This is crazy! I started this bc I just really wanted to write to write. I love writing and I love himym so I thought it'd be a natural pair together and now I have like an audience of sorts???? I love y'all for real.

Anyway, keep a look out for the next chapter because it WILL be coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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