"Did you know the feeling was mutual?" I smirked.

His head whipped back up. "Really?"

I nodded with a smile. 

He came closer to me and put his hand around my shoulder. Then he handed the paper in his hand to me.








That's what it read. I felt my cheeks getting warmer. He giggled a bit. We shared a smile.

"You see. There was another clue. The first letter of each note was the first 3 letters in each of my name. My first, middle, and supposed to be last. Elliot Schmitt Bellarose."

"Oh. It makes sense," I said with a small smile and giggle.

"So...what does that make us?" he asked.

"Hm...probably after a couple of dates, boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Good idea. Let's start after school," he suggested.

I let out a small giggle. "Okay. Great idea."

I collected my stuff, then we walked side by side to his locker.

Daisy POV

I was squealing in my insides. Like a crazy fangirl. Or after I read fluffy fanfictions. But still I was like crazy fangirl.

Lia, her brown haired friend, and I were watching Milly because we heard her exclaim something. It was fun. We were squealing.

After they disappeared, we giggled. We were all smiling like crazy. 

When we finished giggling and calmed down, I said, "Let's go and get our stuff. Today's a busy day ahead of the 4 of us, including Milly!"

The other girls nodded in agreement. We then went our separate ways. 

I put on my confidence. I had to become a candidate. But if I didn't I would hopefully still be part of the student council if Drew won.  I felt bad that I couldn't help Lia if she needed someone, but I promised Drew. And a promise is a promise. After me being nervous and shaky for the whole morning, I was now confident, determined, and ready. 

Milly assured me that I was doing good. I partially believed her. I would do my best! And everyone says trying is the most important part. I practiced my speech for almost the whole day I had free time yesterday. I was ready, and I felt my eyebrows furrow indicating I was ready. 

I can do this.


Luckily, we, the candidates, would present our speeches later in the afternoon. So I had to make sure I didn't forget my speech, but also not forget anything the teacher says in class. I took a big inhale and exhale before I shut my locker. 

Let's do this.


It was one period before the speeches. Lunch. 

Milly, Lia, Grace, I learned, and I were sitting at a table. Grace shooed the table as if there was some dark aura or some witchcraft. I soon realized that it was a subtle sign that no one else was included in our chat. 

That was lowkey smart. Grace was cooler than me and Milly thought.

Lia and I took turns practicing our speeches, eating while the other recites. Milly and Grace gave us motivation, advice, and criticism. I could say this was valuable lunch. 

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