❄Ch. 16: Hush❄

Start from the beginning

She quickly covered her mouth to avoid making any sounds of alarm or surprise. It was a nightmare incarnate. This creature, whatever it was, had no face. There were no facial features to show that it even had one. It didn't make a single sound as its body slithered forward acting like some kind of snake.

This had to be the Silencer that Hawks had told her about after he had gone to that meeting. This creature was said to be even more dangerous than any Nomu they've encountered before. It got its name not just from the silent way it moved but from how it killed its prey. They said it could destroy its target without making a single sound. Worse part was that there wasn't any known weaknesses.

We're fucked.

She turned back a little to see Hawks put his gloved fingers to his lips, reminding her to not utter a sound. It didn't have eyesight but any noise she made could alert the creature of her position.

It gave (Y/N) goosebumps as she tried to remain completely still. One wrong move and that was it for her. Inside she was terrified out of her mind though. She thought back to the story Hawks had told her. A group of sidekicks had come face to face with one of these things and they were all slaughtered so fighting it was out of the question.

Hawks motioned with his hand for her to step back over to him carefully. She listened and started backing away when the sudden sound of a loud drip coming from somewhere in the room caused her to stop in her tracks. The rain outside hadn't let up and with the poor state the roof was in, it had allowed some water to seep through.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Hoping that the Silencer wouldn't react to it, (Y/N) resumed her retreat to Hawks, being extra cautious not to step on any glass that was laying around. Not knowing where the drip was coming from she kept an eye on the creature, praying she wasn't anywhere near the leak. That's when one of its vines quickly shot out in an arch barely missing her arm as it tried stabbing the space a few feet away where the water was falling.

In an effort to hurry and get out of there (Y/N) carried on with her retreat as she finally made it over to the edge of the steps where Hawks was walking down from. He motioned again with his hands that they were going to head back to their original exit to escape. She nodded her head in agreement as they started quietly making their way over to the back area.

All seemed good until part of the ceiling fell onto the floor five feet in front of them, most likely due to water damage from the rain. It was loud though, surely drawing the Silencer's attention.

Curse this stupid old building.

Hawks had anticipated this as he used some of his feathers to quickly move (Y/N) away from him out of its range. One of the creature's vines then pierced right through his left shoulder. Holding back sounds of pain, he plucked out some feathers to use as swords so he could cut himself free.

Though to both Hawks and (Y/N)'s surprise when he attempted to slash it, the feather blades did zero damage. They had glided straight through the vine, hitting nothing but air. A second vine then penetrated his other shoulder as it began to raise him up a few feet.

(Y/N) watched in horror as the Silencer produced multiple vines from its shadowy body which started creeping up towards Hawks' wings. They had some sort of hidden blades within them which then proceeded to whip back and forth across his wings, shredding his feathers to nothing. It all happened in a matter of seconds. His jacket was now in tatters as the creature continued its assault on his back.

The look in Hawks' eyes pleaded with (Y/N) to stay put but there was no way in hell she was going to let this go on any longer. She shot a blast of ice out of her right hand towards the ceiling catching the creature's attention. It turned around at the sound as it dropped Hawks to the floor. The blonde's back was now a bloody mess as he lay on the ground.

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