❄Ch. 2: Hawks❄

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A/N: This chapter ended up going through a lot of revisions lol I wanted to make sure I got it right. Well anyway, hope y'all enjoy it!

~Character Info~

Quirk: Winter's Breath

Hero Name: Frostbite (sounds more like a villain name but I'm just gonna go ahead and go with it lol)

Occupation: Pro Hero/Sidekick

Affiliation: Endeavor Agency

Age: 20

Height: 5'2"

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Turquoise

I'll probably add more to this later on.


A day after (Y/N) was released from the hospital she found herself in front of U.A. again. She had messaged Shoto ahead of time, asking him if it was okay to stop by before class started. She figured it'd be the best time so as to not interfere with his hero training and school work.

A few minutes later (Y/N) and Shoto were walking on one of the paths connected to the school grounds.

"You know you should be at home resting," he told her.

"I know but I thought I'd stop by and see my little brother," she said as they both continued to walk along the path. "I mean you were the one who wanted to see me in the first place."

"Fair enough. How's your injury?" he asked you. "I know it was pretty bad. Fuyumi told me."

"It's doing better, I'm just a bit sore" she replied, placing a hand on her right side. "Though I could have avoided it entirely if only I had been more careful."

"It was a mistake. You won't make it next time," he assured her with a smile.

"Yeah, but it was a mistake that could have cost more than my injury..." she said as she glanced down feeling a bit ashamed with herself.

Looking at her watch, (Y/N) realized that it was getting close to seven.

"Come on Shoto," she told her youngest brother. "Let's head back to the dorms, don't wanna make you late for class."

Shoto walked (Y/N) back to the main entrance of U.A. where they said their goodbyes as she headed off in the direction of her apartment. She decided to stop at a 7-Eleven on the way back since she hadn't bought any food since coming home from the hospital.

Walking through the aisles, (Y/N) filled her basket up with things like onigiri, egg sandwiches, instant ramen, and a variety of bento sets. After picking out a few drinks she headed towards another aisle where she grabbed some potato chips. As she was walking towards the register she turned the corner a little too fast and ended up bumping into someone, well more like some feathers. She was surprised to see that it was Hawks, the current number three pro hero holding a drink and some snacks in his hands.

Oh, so that's who they belong to. My dumbass just had to go and do that. I didn't expect him to be in here of all places.

"Whoa, what's the rush?" he asked as he stepped back a bit, turning around.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry. Are your wings okay?" she asked, bowing over and over again in apology.

"Don't worry about it, they're fine," he laughed. "Besides I think walking into my wings did a little more damage to you than it did to me."

Yeah, some emotional damage. This is so embarrassing.

"Nah I'm okay, just need to pay more attention is all" she responded, laughing as well.

"Oh hey you're Endeavor's daughter, aren't you?" he asked. "Frostbite right?"

"Yes and yes. I don't think we've ever talked before right?" she questioned the blonde.

"No, but I've seen you at Endeavor's agency before," he continued. "By the way, I heard about the villain attack, you doing better now?"

"I'm still recovering but I should be able to go back to work in about a week," she said as they both made their way to the register.

"Glad to hear it," he told her, placing his drink and snacks down onto the counter.

After he had his items rung up, Hawks waited for (Y/N) to finish paying for her things before he walked out with her.

"I need to get going now, break's almost over. Here, take this" he said as he tossed a melon bread to you.

"Thanks," she replied as she caught it.

"Here's wishing you a speedy recovery," he told her with a wave as he flew off out of sight.

(Y/N) took in the sight of his large bright red wings as he departed, admiring them.

Those wings of his sure are incredible.

When (Y/N) arrived at her apartment complex five minutes later she immediately ran into an unpleasant face by the name of Saito. He was a neighbor on her floor who had been trying to get her to go out with him pretty much since she'd moved into the complex. It wasn't that he was a bad looking guy or anything. Not with that black silky shoulder-length hair and dark eyes of his. He was a model after all but she just couldn't stand him.

"(Y/N), I was wondering when you'd be back. So what exactly happened?" he asked as she approached her apartment door, bags in hand.

"Just an injury on the job, that's all" she responded with annoyance in her voice, trying to get her key into the lock.

Not like it's any of your business anyway.

"Well, anyway I wanted to see if you'd like to-" he said, leaning on the wall by her door.

"Not interested," she replied, cutting him off.

"Aw come on (Y/N) how can you say no to a face as gorgeous as this?" he pleaded dramatically.

"I just did," she responded, rolling her eyes.

"Now that you're recovering we finally have the chance to go out somewhere or maybe you'd like to invite me inside-" he offered as he moved away from the wall.

"Saito, just give it up already and stop calling me by my first name. It's Todoroki, learn to get it right for once," she told him as she shut the door in his face.

Happy to finally be away from him, she set her bags of food down on her kitchen table as her striped gray cat Nero came up to her. She was grateful to her neighbor Mrs. Fujiwara for looking after him while she was away. After he welcomed her home, Nero then laid down for a nap on her couch as she started putting the things she bought at the convenience store away in the kitchen cabinets. Soon after (Y/N) also laid down for a nap in her bedroom, tired from being out so early this morning.


A/N: Btw (Y/N)'s cat is named after Nero from the Devil May Cry series and is striped and gray like my cat Charlie lol. ^-^


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