Final Player!

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The sun rose and with it so did the boys, well most of them. Izuku, Iida and Shinsou were up about an hour before the sun. Shinsou has insomnia, Iida went for a run and Izuku had to dispell the seal on the wall carefully so that the magic didn't burst.

Bakugou and Kirishima went to McDonald's with everyone's orders and got breakfast so that they could eat before they went home. Izuku gave Shindou one last check over to make sure he was ok and the rest started to clean up the mess they made the night before, sweeping, picking up wrappers and deflating the air mattresses.

Izuku drained the bath through another hole in the wall and then refilled it. He threw in another water purifier and then got Todoroki to heat it with his fire side. They all took turns bathing and then had breakfast before throwing their clothes back in their bags and heading to the front door.

" Shindou, how far away for you live?"

" About thirty minutes from here walking why?"

" I'll give you a ride back, a few more days rest for your ankle."

" You have a car?"

" Nah, I have a bike, come on. See you guys later!"

A chorus of farewells was heard from the other boys as Greeny and Mouse walked over to the bike a few feet from the door. Once situated they set off in the direction that Shindou pointed out.

15 minutes later they pulled up out front of a blue one story house.

" Yo! Where have you been, your parents and I were worried about you man. Oh, who's this?"

" What's up, I was hanging out with him, he helped me when I did something stupid."

" Yo, my name is Izuku Midoriya, and you?"

" Yosetsu Awase."

" Oh, you're from class 1-B, I knew I had seen you somewhere!"

A look of confusion crossed both boys face as they looked at Izuku.

" We go to the same school, I've seen him around school."

Izuku helped Shindou off his bike and then grabbed his helmet from him so that he could use it on his way home. He walked back over to his bike before looking back over at the two boys.

" It was fun hanging out with you, hope we can do it again some time. Oh, can I get your number! I wanna be able to set a time to hangout again."

Shindou nodded and they exchanged numbers before Izuku pulled back on to the road and headed towards his own home.

-----ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )ᕤ-----


Izuku: Did you have fun?

Shindou: Yah, thanks for letting me stay.

Izuku smiled before telling the other your welcome and walking into his house.

" Where were you?"

Aizawa asked from where he was leaning on Izuku's counter. The look on his face wasn't disappointed but it wasn't happy either. If Izuku had to put a name on it he'd say... displeased.

" Was out with some friends. Had a sleepover with them, ask Bakugou, Kirishima, Iida, Todoroki or Ojirou they were there."

" Alright problem child, just let someone know where you are before you leave. We don't want to accidentally send a search party after you."

" Yes sir."

And then he was leaving and Izuku was heading up to his room. He checked on hus mother who was fast asleep in her room before heading over to his laptop to watch Netflix.

-----༼;'༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽-----

Monday had Izuku feeling hyper enough to punch a dinosaur in the face. He stayed up late and drank two and a half Monsters on his way to school. On his way into class his finished off his third before throwing it in the trash.

He bounced over to his seat where he sat not so still until Aizawa came in. He called roll and then passed out the test they were taking. Izuku finished in 30 minutes leaving him 40 to do whatever he pleased. He left the room and went down to the training ground. He found it empty so he decided to work off some of the energy he had.

He changed into his workout clothes and started stretching. He did 10 laps around the track and then 30 sit ups and pushups. Once properly readied to begin he summoned his fans. Sensei had taught him how to tie his weapons to his signature so that he could summon them if he ever lost them in a battle.

He started with basic drills before working his way up to harder things, like kicks and flips. He dodged and attacked the imaginary opponents that he made for himself until he heard the bell ring. He headed for the showers and then sprinted to english class. He came in right as the bell rung, lucky main character powers in play.


Hero training was a joint session with 1-B so that they could build some trust and teamwork between the two classes. Monoma was out within the first five minutes, he'd get the instructions from a classmate later.

They were playing dodgeball, a mix of both classes on each team. Team captains were Greeny and Sleepy. Once the whistle went it was an all out war.

Izuku's team had more balls but less physical strength and Shinsou's had move strength and flexibility. Izuku was winning with his ability to do math really fast.

And I don't feel like telling you all about this game so let's just say Sleepy won and move on to Izuku talking to Spider.

Izuku skipped over to Awase and tapped him on the shoulder. The smaller boy turned to see Greeny and gave a slight smile.

" Would you like to hang out with me and Shindou-Kun on Saturday Awase-Kun?"

" Sure, if it's not too much trouble."

" Right see you then."

And then he was off to go harass Iida.


Izuku managed to sneak out that night and do some vigilante work, yes they already knew who he was and how he fought but he still, technically, wasn't doing anything illegal and would still go to school tomorrow.


All of the harem is here and now we can move on to developing the relationship and the main conflict.
Battle scenes will be a little lacking but I'm gonna do my best.

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