27. Moral of the story

Start from the beginning

"Anyway, she told me that you are good at writing, and seem to have a natural talent? How about this. You write a book or at least a sample, and I'll talk to my friends in New York and see where it takes us. I might also be able to get you an internship there. If you manage to impress me," he told me, smiling fondly.

"Are you serious?" I all but shriek.

"Are you up for the challenge Miss Hart?" He laughed at my reaction.

"Hell ya! Thank you, Mr. Halden." Control yourself, Zoe, don't hug him.

"Off you go, Miss Hart. Don't let me down," he ushered me out of the class.

"Hey," Oli was standing outside the room mesmerized by his copy of "The Catcher in the Rye".

"Hey, you." He looked up from his book and kept his glasses inside.

"That's one of my favourites," I nodded to the book in his hand.

"Ya? It's Nate's copy. He lent it to me. How did it go with Mr Halden?" He asked me.

"It went well. He wanted to talk about internships and stuff," I replied, not wanting to elaborate further.

"Hope you get it. By the way, do you have any plans for tonight?"

"Umm, not that I know of," I grab my coffee from the cart on campus.

"Well, now you got one. I'll pick you up at 7," he kissed my cheek and smirked as he walked into the library, leaving me dumbfounded.

What just happened. He didn't ask me on a date, did he?

I reached my room and opened the door to find Lily and June sitting inside, while Izzie was going through my cupboard. They barely acknowledged me when I entered, as Izzie took out a dress and held it in front of me.

"Go change. You're getting late," she ushered me into the washroom.

It was a white crop top and a pink skater skirt.

"What's going on?" I asked, picking up the outfit.

"You're getting late for your date," Lily said as a matter of fact.

"What date?" I asked, still confused. Isn't it a bit too early to start drinking?

"Oli is picking you up in an hour. Now if you're done being a little bitch, please go get dressed," Izzie gave me an annoyed look.

It wasn't a date. Is Oli under the false impression that it is? I can't be with him. I don't want to lead him on. Should I just call and cancel?

"Zoey, I swear on everything unholy, if you're not out in the next 5 minutes, you're going to regret it."

One evening won't hurt, right? Especially if he has already taken the efforts to organize this. I'll just tell him once the dinner is over.

I put on the outfit and walk out, and all hell broke loose. I was forced into a chair as Izzie worked on my hair, Lily on my makeup, and June handed me the accessories. Izzie curled my hair into waves and let them hang loose down my back. Lily, thankfully, kept the makeup natural, much to Izzie's chagrin.

At 7 sharp, there was a knock on the door. I took my phone, and put it inside my purse, and slipped on my flats. I took a deep breath, readying myself mentally, and opened the door with a fake smile. Oli stood outside, dressed casually?

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked shocked. "Why the hell am I overdressed?"

Oli just laughed and gave me his hand to take.

"You look lovely, as always Zo."

He led me to his car and opened the backseat door for me. Okay, weird much?

"Your chariot awaits, my lady," he said when I didn't make any effort to get inside.

I slowly sat inside, unsure of what was happening.

"By the way, I forgot to give you this," Oli said, handing me a note.

"Have a beautiful evening," he shut the door before I could say anything. I opened the note and saw a text printed on it.

"Tu es belle."

I flipped it over and saw "You are beautiful" written behind it.

"Shall we, madame?" A shriek left my mouth, as I heard the voice. Zach was in the driver's seat looking at me amusedly.

"What are you doing here? What is going on, Zach?" I asked, now completely clueless.

"Patience, dear Zoe. Patience," he replied and started the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked for the 10th time.

"You really are impatient, aren't you? We'll be there in 10 minutes, Zoe," he laughed, increasing the volume of the stereo to tune me out

I huffed and held the note close to me.

"We are here," he replied and handed me another note.

"Je Suis fou de toi"

"I'm crazy about you"

The door was opened by Chace, as he held his arm out for me to take. I couldn't contain the level of excitement bubbling inside me. I no longer cared about being left in the dark. I was loving how this was turning out.

Chace handed me a bouquet of roses and walked us ahead. I had never been here before, but I could make out some lights on a bridge, that was on a lake. Chace walked me to the end of the bridge, where there was a table and 2 chairs, with a vase with flowers on it.

I looked at Chace curiously, who just handed me another note.

"Je t'aime de tout mon coeur."

I flipped it over but saw that it was blank.

"I love you with all my heart."

I turned around and saw the guy responsible for all of this standing in front of me. He took my hand out of Chace's and said, "I'll take it from here, thanks."

"Hi, sweetheart. Surprise!" Nate said, dressed in a black dress shirt, jeans and his classic leather jacket. The way he looked right now, would make even the devil jealous.

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now