Skull boy's POV.

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   As I watched Ruby walk away I get up to go to my room. So as I walk to get Dressed I can't stop thinking about her. After I get dressed for the day I went to go think what I should do now that I know Ruby likes me to. So when I was thinking I decided to get some fresh air and think outside.

   When I got outside it was peaceful. Then I thought were is Iris so I went back inside. As walked past her room and saw Ruby with her hand on Iris's head. I then asked," whats going on is Iris ok?" Ruby looked at me and said," no she feels very worm to me." I then put my hand on Iris's head and shuck my head yes in agreement.

   I then left to get a cold wet rag. To try to bring down Iris's fever. As I put The cold wet rag on her head. Ruby went to get some meds for Iris. When she came back Iris started to cough. So Ruby gave her some water and the meds. Ruby said," here take this it will help, now get some rest."

   So after Iris fell asleep me and Ruby left her room. Ruby then smiled and said," I should get back to the rest of my morning." I smiled back and said," ok see you at lunch then." As I watch her walk away to do her next task I can't stop thinking about the kiss. So with a smile on my face I go to see Scardy bat to see if he needs any help with anything.

   As I get to Scardy bat's room I knock and hear a scream. I then open his bedroom door to see Scardy bat shaking. So I slowly approach him to calm him down. After Scardy bat calmed down I asked," are you alright, what scared you?" Scardy bat said," oh my shadow just surprised me is all."

Skull boy and Ruby - love story part one - part fiveWhere stories live. Discover now