Chapter 1 Platform 9 3/4

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"Now I trust you know what to do right?"

"Yes father, I run straight into the brick wall between platforms 9 and 10."

"Good now I must leave. I'll be taking the Floo Network to Hogwarts and I'll meet you there."

"Yes father I'll see you there." She gave him a big hug which he returned. Stephanie grabbed her bags and looked at her father who displayed a tiny smile on his face. He nodded and watched his daughter run straight through the wall.

Stephanie was in awe when she saw the station. She never saw anything like it before. Stephanie loaded her bags onto the train and got on board. She found an empty compartment and sat in it, looking out the window. Her pet snake, Eve, was hanging around her neck. Eve is a beautiful snake. She has a bluish-greenish tint and has shiny skin. Eve can also turn into accessories such as scarves, bracelets, anything you can think of; this comes in handy when you're freezing and didn't bring anything to keep you warm. Stephanie has had Eve for many years and can have conversations with her. Yes, Stephanie can speak Parseltongue. She discovered it when she got her snake and learned to control it ever since.

"I can't wait Eve, hopefully I'll get put into Slytherin. My father might be disappointed if I'm in a different house." Stephanie said in Parseltongue.

"Your father sssshould be proud of you no matter what, but I think you'll be put into Ssssslytherin. If not then probably Ravenclaw ssssince you already know many advanced ssssspellssss." Eve replied. Stephanie smiled at Eve and stared out the window.

The compartment door flew open revealing three people. One had gelled, bright platinum blonde hair and the other two looked like his bodyguards. Stephanie jumped up and hugged the blonde boy tightly.

"I've missed you so much! How come you haven't wrote to me all summer!? I was worried sick!" Stephanie exclaimed.

"Well I was busy! My parents had a lot of meetings and stuff and I've missed you too. Also this is Crabbe and Goyle."

"Wow Draco you already found two goons to do your dirty work." She rolled her eyes and sat down, Draco sitting next to her and the two body guards across from them.

They chatted for a while until the door slammed open revealing two people. A blonde haired girl stood with a dark skinned boy. Stephanie immediately recognized them as Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini. Daphne was her best friend, well girl best friend. She always went to her to talk about boys or for fashion advice. Her specialty was picking out matching outfits that were in style of course and now since the two were going to school together Daphne was going to criticize and pick out Stephanie's outfits. Stephanie and Blaise were good friends. They weren't close like Stephanie and Draco however but were close enough to have a conversation that wasn't awkward or forced.



They both hugged each other tightly for a few seconds and then let go. Stephanie then hugged Blaise.

"What in Merlin's name are you wearing Stephanie?" Daphne questioned with a lot of attitude. She sighed. "I have a lot of work to do to fix you."

"Wow thanks love you too Daph." They both sat down along with Blaise and talked. The train eventually started to move.

"So what house do you guys want to be in?" Blaise asked.

"Slytherin duh." Stephanie said while everyone agreed. The door opened and there stood an old woman offering sweets.

"Anything from the trolley dears?"

"Can I have a chocolate frog?"

"A licorice wand?"

"Some drewballs."

The lady got what they requested for and paid. Crabbe and Goyle, however, bought half the cart. Stephanie scoffed looking at the pigs eating. She ate her chocolate frog and decided that she should put on her robes.

"Hey I'm gonna go change now."

"I'll come too Steph."

Daphne and Stephanie exited the compartment and went to the changing rooms. They changed into their robes and went back seeing that the boys changed as well. The train stopped and everyone got off. A giant man was gathering first years so they all went to the group. They soon got into boats that brought them to the castle.

"Woah! Hogwarts is huge!" Everyone stared in amazement. Soon they got off the boat and into the castle where they were going to spend their years learning magic, making new friends, bond with their new house, and maybe even find a lover.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please make any corrections if you see any mistakes this is my first time writing a story so I need all the help I can get.  

The Slytherin Queen- A Draco x Oc Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now