Feast (Levi x Insane Reader)

Start from the beginning

Levi stumbled back just in time. He stared at her through the bars, at those eyes that no longer belonged to his wife. There was no love in them. No loyalty or determination.

They looked like a titan's eyes.

No. They were worse. Because behind those hungry eyes, (f/n)'s cunning remained. She had tricked him into getting close twice now. And she would try to trick others, if given the chance.

Levi was filled with an indescribable sadness. Her body was here, but her mind was gone. His wife may as well have been dead.

Without another word, he walked out, making sure to warn the guards about her cleverness. He didn't want her taking a bite out of anyone else.


Levi was at war with himself. He couldn't bear to see (f/n), but like a drug, he kept going back to her. It happened whenever his depression became too great to bear – usually after he had watched comrades die, or experienced a particularly bad nightmare. And he wasn't sure if he felt better or worse afterward.

Of course, she tried to trick him into getting close, but he knew better by now. Yet, her attempts still left an ache in his chest. She was his wife, and he couldn't hold her, couldn't trust her.

When she wasn't trying to eat him, (f/n) listened to him talk. She may have been a predator, cold and calculating, but she seemed to be genuinely interested in what he had to say. Moreover, there were times when she comforted him, or offered advice. And in those moments, he couldn't help feeling like his wife was still in there, somewhere.

But then she would try to eat him again, and his faint glimmer of hope was gone.


Several years later, Levi trudged quietly through the empty halls of Scout Regiment Headquarters. All over the island, people were celebrating. They were free. The war was over. The world had been saved.

Except, it hadn't been saved – not for him.

Everything that he had been fighting for was gone. The beast titan had been eliminated. Not a single one of his friends was left alive. And his wife...

Levi walked the familiar path into the dungeon. Even the guards had gone out to celebrate, leaving (f/n) alone.

"Come to keep me company?" she cooed.

She froze in shock as Levi lifelessly unlocked the door to her cell. He stepped inside, closing the iron bars behind him. His shoulders were slumped, his eyes downcast. He couldn't bear to look at her and see one more thing he had lost.

"What's this?" she muttered.

Levi swallowed. "They're all dead," he told her quietly. "I have nothing left. So I thought...at least I could make you happy."

"You're going to let me eat you?" she asked incredulously.

He nodded.

He heard her soft footsteps pad across the stone floor. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew it would hurt, but he didn't care. He had nothing left to live for. And maybe, being killed by someone who used to love him wouldn't be such a bad way to go. If he closed his eyes, he could even pretend that she loved him still.

She stopped mere inches away, tilting her head, studying him.

Then her arms lifted and gently folded around his small frame. She hugged him close, and for just a moment, Levi flashed back to the days before she went insane. When she used to hold him exactly like this.

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