Chapter 10

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Sorry for the long wait. School was being very annoying.

Two Days Later...

Sloth's POV

Finally, Y/N came back to school. I thought she was going to drop out of school forever. At the school gates, Dream walked over to her which made me furious. But she quickly ignored him and kept walking. Maybe I'll ask her about that after school.

After school

"Hey Y/N!" I said running up to her. " Yeah, what is it?" She asked. I stopped running so I could catch my breath. " I-I-I just wanted to say h-hi and ask you something."   " And what would that be?" she asked again. " Um, why are you avoiding Dream lately?"  I finally said.  Oh, my stars Sloth stop blushing!.... I thought to myself. Y/N's face darkened. " Um, its nothing. It just doesn't want to talk to him." Y/n said walking away. I knew she was lying but I wanted to know the reason why. But now that she is avoiding Dream she can finally be mine!

Dream's POV

Earlier today I tried to talk to Y/N but she acted like I wasn't there. She just acted like I didn't exist and moved on. I had so many questions about it. Why is she avoiding me? Is it because of what Info-chan said? How can I prove her wrong? Should I frame somebody? I-I Don't know what to do She's slipping away from me. And I'm not doing anything about it. I'm losing my Y/N. I got snapped out of my thoughts as I noticed my phone was sending me notifications. 

Info-chan: Why hello

What do you want-Dream

Info-chan: I just want to help you with the situation you're in

I don't need your help-Dream

Info-chan:  You are wrong. You'll need my help with framing Sloth.

Wait.  what. I didn't even think of that yet-Dream

Info-chan: Exactly. You need my help.

Fine what do I have to do-Dream

Info-chan: You have to frame him for murder. Its an easy task but since he's like you. if another rival gets in the mix I bet Sloth would kill them instead of you killing them.

Info-chan: I hope you make him suffer goodbye =)

I turned off my phone and started to head home. But I first made sure Y/N made it home safely. When I finally got home I went to my room and laid down on my bed slowly drifting to sleep.

I know its a short chapter but hey its a chapter :D

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