Chapter 5

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Soon as Dream got home the news reported about the dead bodies. After the report Dream went to sleep.

Dream's POv

When I woke up I got ready for school. I walked into school the atmosphere here felt dimmer. I was about to go to class until I saw Y/N's Beautiful figure stand in front of something. " Oh hey Dream I was about to go to class until I noticed this. It looks like a metal detector and security cameras." Y/N pointed out. Shit looks like murder is going to be harder... I thought to myself. " looks like the Student Council put these up." Y/N says. Tch Stupid Student Council.. I'll ask info-chan about this "Student Council" later.... " Anyways let's go!" Y/N says as she grabs my hand. I blushed completely as she ran into the homeroom. The teacher isn't here so we took our seats. 4 minutes later another teacher walked in. He wore a regular teacher outfit but he wore a bright purple vest with turquoise fluff. " Hello class my name Underlust sans or Lust for short. I will be your substitute teacher today." Lust said with a hint of a seductive tone in his voice.

He was looking around the room and his eyes landed on Y/N. He looked at her in a flirty way. I see Y/N cringing inside her soul. Tch How dare he look at Y/N that way.. I need to kill him now!

After Class

I took a picture of this asshole and sent this to Info-chan

Info-chan, who is this fucker-Dream

Info-chan: again calm down his name is Lust he is a substitute teacher for your class and apparently he has his eyes on Y/N

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Info-chan: again calm down his name is Lust he is a substitute teacher for your class and apparently he has his eyes on Y/N.

Info-chan: I'd say you trick him. That's the best advice I can give you. Bye =)

I turned off my phone and got to work. Since I usually use a regular baseball bat the metal detectors should be no problem but the cameras. Wait, I could easily teleport past them. I should kill him at the left side of the school. I thought to myself.

3rd person

Dream put a letter on Lust's desk saying

Dear Lust Sans, I want you to meet me at the left side of the school at lunch. Don't be late~ -v-

3rd person POV

At lunchtime

Dream teleported to the left side of the school. Lust has finally arrived seeing Dream his smile faded. " What are you doing here?" Lust said. " Well sir, seeing you trying to flirt with a student makes me sick. Especially with Senpai." Dream coldly said. " wha-what!" Lust exclaimed. Dream teleported a knife in his hand and stabbed the knife in Lust's stomach causing him to fall on the ground. Dream carried Lust's dead body to the furnace and tossed it inside with his knife. Dream went to the locker room and put on an extra uniform. After that Dream walked the hallways, another one gone. I wonder who's next...


Lately people have been missing, I'm guessing they've been killed by someone. Because of this, the Student Council has put up metal detectors and security cameras in case the murderer is in the school. And now their patrolling hallways. I always have a bad feeling whenever I'm with Dream. I just don't know what it is but i'm going to figure it out. 

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