"Well, I don't know, smarty-pants. Maybe because you brought me here," she scowled.

"You know what I mean, smart girl. You're just as deceiving as your ancestors. Why were you here with your friends?" he specified.

"Well that hardly concerns you, but since we're telling the truth I will tell you that we needed information from what we found lying around to be confirmed before we prepare an attack group. But I can assure you there is one now, and they're just waiting to kick your butts."

"Of course they are. Don't you forget, Thunder, we have the upper hand. Threaten us and we'll hurt your friends more. I saw to it that we start with the president's boy, take out his father and send Billy in."

Lielle did not have a clue who Billy was, but she also did not have a care in the world. She just kept on her scowl and rose again, moving away from the wall, lest these people did something. As long as she kept Bri and Connor's father safe she would be satisfied, and if anyone were to attack Connor's father, Connor would be in danger too. She decided with finality that she would play along with them until she knew more information, but whatever their plans were would be thwarted at any means necessary.

"I'm assuming you and the boy have a connection?" Callahan asked, humored.

"No, not at all. We are friends, nothing more."

Judging by the smiles on their faces, they did not believe her for a second. They opened a slot in the bottom and slid under an apple. "Enjoy," the man with the salt and pepper hair said smugly. "A gift from your lieutenant."

She snorted and watched the apple as it stopped by her feet. She stood there, unmoving, until the Agents retreated, wishing her farewell until further notice.

After they left she sat back in her corner and stared at the camera intensely, unable to decide whether she should break it just for the satisfaction or try herself against the stability of the ganaitium. Time ticked by as she considered her next option and next thing she knew; she was drifting into a restless sleep with only nightmares to accompany her.

* * * * *

A warm, soft hand sat clasped in hers as the couple swung their feet around off the top of the Washington Monument. Connor and her had made a habit of escaping to the one place that no one could possibly bother them. They would sit and talk for hours with Lielle occasionally leaning so far forward that Connor would start to tremble.

After the fifth time that night, Connor took her face in his hands and said clearly as ever, "I can't stand you like this. You can't commit suicide, especially not with me here with you. I can't live without you, Lielle. I owe you my life. You're a smart girl, guess what that means?"

She smiled lightly and shook her head. "I'm not smart."

"Then what are you, Lielle?" he asked sadly.

"I'll let you know when I figure it out." And she leaned in for her first kiss.

She could feel his soft lips on hers, the small scar on his cheek that had been there since they had first met. She felt his chest rise and fall against hers as they shared every breath, him in, her out, her in, him out. They were one in the same. But in an instant, his lips went slack, eyes wide as he fell over the side.

Cassidy stood holding a pistol in front of her. "What are you, Lielle Thomas?"

She woke with a start and shot bolt upright, banging her head against the stone behind her. Moaning, she got up unsteadily and reached for a glass of water that had appeared, reassuring herself that they needed her alive and would not do anything to harm her. After her drink, her head felt much clearer and she was able to think about any possible escape. She neared the sheet of ganaitium ahead of her and reached out her hand until she heard a scream and then a man saying, "I wouldn't touch that if I were you. That's highly poisonous and causes instantaneous suffering and a slow and painful lead up to death for the few more years you'll live."

Salt and pepper hair stood behind the window and she inched her fingers steadily closer. "But if I'm dying you can't use me."

"I can still kill your friends. I believe the president's boy's father would recognize
me as Eli Wenning from his very own party when he ran for his first election. Unlike Callahan and yourself, I am not afraid to reveal my true name. Can you guess why, girl?"

Lielle stood staring daggers at him as she spat, "Because of your idiocy. I'm not going to kill my friends and you clearly think I will, which only goes to prove my point."

He scowled and mumbled in a low voice, "I have something that will convince you otherwise. Remember your spy? You care about her? Then you'll do what I say."

"What spy?" she asked, face wiped from all emotion and voice unwavering.

"I can show you, girl, living proof."

After slapping a band of ganaitium over her pants, he dragged her out by the elbow down tunnel after tunnel.

"If you need me alive, why did you try to kill me?" she asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

"What do you mean?" he mumbled.

"Well burning my house down for starters," she reminded him.

"We only needed one Thunder and that was before we noticed you Duelship."

"Okay and the bomb in the bank-"

"Was not meant for you, but our Agent set it off before she had gotten the signal."

"Fine and your Agents "disposing" of me?"

"Code for a plan," he yawned.

"But the men at the farm-"

"Tried to get you and kill your friends."

"But they retreated-"

"And they were punished for their mistake, don't you worry."

"But the car-"

She stopped. At that moment they reached one of many cells with signs of life. Fresh and dry blood trickled down the walls and next to the scene lay a small paper-white girl, but something was wrong. This was not Bri which ensured her safety, but when the girl shifted, she got a clear view of the tattoo on the front of her neck; a doe, Lei's favorite animal.

Lielle let loose a tear as she stared at one of her first friends from the Thrillers; the weakened version of Kayla.

"Now what will happen to the rest of them if you do not cooperate," he narrated. Within the moment, a masked man in black and gold stepped out of a door and fired. Once, twice, three times. Kayla was gone.

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