"Hey bro, are you okay?" Katelyn asks me. To keep her distracted, I say "Yeah, I'm fine. Why don't we go out to have a coffee?" Katelyn looks comfused "Umm okay, but Harry, bro, you're acting kinda strange since we came back from Royal duty. I'll go change,"

As we are about to go up the stairs, Dad notices us. "Harry, Katelyn, you're back! Katelyn, honey I need to have a word with you alone," Dad says. "I'll be up soon," Katelyn says as she kisses my cheek. "Okay but be quick," I head to my room.

Katelyn's POV
I walk towards Dad. I kiss and curtesy to him. "Katelyn dear, I believe you've met Prince Jett," Dad presumes. "Yes dad, Jett and I met at the Coronation lunch reception," I say. "Very well! Why you show Jett around the Palace since he is staying with us," Hold up for a second! Prince Jett is staying at the Palace? This is so out of the question, Dad didn't even seeks permission from Grandma who is the Queen. "Dad?" I ask. "Yes dear, anything?" Dad says. "Have you seek permission from Grandma to let our guest stay in?" I asked.

"Um no, not yet. But I will tell her," Dad says. "What are you going to tell me Charles dear?" Grandma comes out of no where which gives me a big fright. "Grandma!" I greet her with a kiss and curtesy. "Mummy, I would like to seek permission from you to let Prince Jett of Kenliworth to stay at the Palace?" Much to Grandmother surprise, she asks me instead "Katelyn, darling, it's that okay with you?" Not wanting to let Dad disappoints, I say "Yes, Grandma. Jett will stay here for the night."

Jett looks at me and I turn my head away to avoid eye contact with the boy. Please I'm taken! Besides, Kendall and I as well as the other member of BTR are having a great time when I'm off duty. Logan will bring me to the book shop to buy the latest novels and helps me with my home work too! James on the other hand, none other going to the salon to get his hair done every week. Carlos, well he spends with his girl friend, Alexa Vega and sometimes he will ask me some "girl stuff". Kendall, he will bring me out on a walk when ever I'm done with my home work and on our week end date, we will search for the new song that is top chart on the radio.

"I'll see you both later," I say as I run up the stairs before they could answer.

Prince Harry's POV
What is taking Katelyn so long? Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to open it, my sister is here. "Come in Katelyn," I put an arm around her and lead her into my room. After that I shut the door behind me. "K, sis, what's wrong with you?" I ask. Katelyn tells me that Prince Jett is staying for the night and is Dad who plans this. Man, I hate that Prince of Kenliworth! He is a lady's man like me but he makes the head lines for his bad behaviour. Ever since my sister's presence, my lady's man attitude has changed a lot!

"Did you tell Kendall about this?" I ask Katelyn but she shakes her head. "Harry, I will tell Ken once I go back to Nashville and I think you should come with me in case something bad will happen," Katelyn says. I warn her to be careful especially her locket. It's very valuable! Katelyn loves the locket that Dad gave her in her first day when she arrived at the Palace. "Yeah, I will come with you, anything for my little sister!"

A knock is heard on the door, I go over to open it. "Greetings Prince, your dad wants to see you both immediately," Charlotte says. "Will do Charlotte, thank you," I say. I go back inside and tell Katelyn that Dad wants to see us. "We better hurry, sis. We don't want to keep Dad waiting,"

"Okay," Katelyn says "Harry, I need some help to get up from the bed because it is too good to sleep on." I laugh as I help her get up from the bed.

Katelyn's POV
Harry and I are in Daddy's office. "Harry, Katelyn. I heard from your step mum that you both don't like Prince Jett?" Wait, how does Dad know about this? Oh right, step mum told him! Nice going, step mum! You made it through. "Well no Dad. It's just that Jett is not right boy for me," I say honestly, a true princess has to be honest. "Katelyn, you are destined to marry the Prince of Kenliworth in future," Dad says. I stand corrected. Luckily, Kate told me about it but Wills wants me to marry with love, just like how he married Kate. "Very well Dad, as you wish," I say with reluctance.

Hello, I'm 17! I'm too young to talk about an arranged marriage, please! Suddenly, I feel there is ice on the hand rest, oh no, my powers! "Harry?" I whisper to my brother. "Yes sis, anything?" he says. I point to the arm rest of my chair. "Oh no!" he mouths. He quickly covers up. "What are you two doing?" Dad asks. "Um nothing Dad! We are just discussing about giving our guest who is Prince Jett, a tour around the Palace," I say nervously.

"Very well, Katelyn. You are excused, you too Harry," Dad says. We hug and kiss Dad before we head out. After that, I realise I have to unfreeze the chair I was sitting at Dad's office earlier. "Harry, does Dad know I have powers of freezing?" I ask Harry. "Well no, Dad doesn't know you have freezing powers because Mum said once Dad knows you have powers, he will use your powers to take over British throne. That's why Wills and I are your guardians," Harry says.

"Harry, will you distract Dad for a moment please? I have to unfreeze the ice back in his office," I say. "Sure sis! Let's go!" Harry says as he put a protective arm around me. Dad is still in his office, so Harry distracts Dad by asking the questions about Prince Jett's stay at the Palace. While the two are talking, I unfreeze the chairs. I give Harry the signal.

Prince Harry's POV
Katelyn gives me the signal that she has unfreeze everything. To wrap all up, I say " Dad, Katelyn and I will make sure Jett will harp pleasant stay at the Palace." Dad nods as he heads out. Phew! "Great job sis!" I say as Katelyn and I high-five. "Thanks to you Harry!" says Katelyn says. Mission complete!

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