Chapter 10

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Katelyn's POV

We are chatting merrily, Joseph reminds we have to go to the airport because we are boarding a night flight. I don't need pack stuff because my suitcase is already in the car boot, just left the three of them. "Ready to go, Your Highnesses?" asks Joe. "We're all ready," says William. We hop into the car as the bag are load in the car boot.

"So how long is the flight from here ?" I ask.

"In about 10 hours," says William.

Luckily, our private plane have everything to keep me occupied throughout the flight. I hope I won't sleep during the flight. I say to myself. As we reach the airport, the media are taking our pictures but I just ignore it. When I step into the plane. it is very, very spacious and huge, kind of like first-class airplanes. Before the airplane takes off for England, I send a short text to Niall:

Hey Niall, Katelyn here. The plane is taking off soon, I hope you will take good care yourself. Don't miss me too much. Love Katelyn.

I click the 'send' button before I turn my cell phone off. I'm very lucky to be seated at window seat, I didn't get to see the view though because it's too dark out there, I know I will have a whale of a time in England. I can't wait!


Niall's POV

I'm in my cleaning up when I hear my cell phone rings. I walk over to my study table and pick it up, to my surprise it's a message from Katelyn:

Hey Niall, Katelyn here. The plane is taking off soon, I hope you will take good care of yourself. Don't miss me too much. Love Katelyn.

Seems to me that Katelyn's flight is going to take off soon. I put back my cellphone and start to clean my room again suddenly I accidentally knock over a book. I see all the papers are scattering everywhere, I see one familar paper catches my eye. I bend down picking the papers up and slide into the book, I put it back on the shelf , I pick up and it's a picture of me and my sister, Katelyn, she was awarded "The Role Model Student".

Mum and dad were about to take the picture, I kissed Katelyn's cheek when mum and dad took it. She has a big smile on her face, I'm so proud of her. "Oh Katelyn," I say it under my breath.

Once I'm done, I decide to call it a day. I'm lying back relaxing my mind suddenly the door bell rings. I lazily get up from bed and walk down stairs, once I reach the living room I open the door. It's my band member! "Hey guys, c'mon in!" I say letting them inside. "Hey Niall, where's Katelyn?" asks Liam.

"She's going home today with her Royal family," I say with a sigh. "Niall, don't be sad, you'll see Katelyn again during our tour with Big Time Rush," says Liam. Really? So that means I can see Katelyn again. "Really ?" I ask. Louis nods his head "Yes Nialler, you can see Katelyn again,"

Oh, I just can't wait.


Katelyn's POV

The plane is about to land soon, "Look down the window, Princess. Welcome to London," says Joseph. I open up the slide of the window, there it is-my beautiful country, England! I can see the palace from up here! Once our plane lands, The four of us head our way to the staircase. As I step outside, the paparazies have the camera flashes on.

"Don't forget to wave, Princess," Kate reminds me. I remember Kate taught me to wave like a Royal Princess. I see two Lamborghini, I guess one is Kate and Will's and the other one is Harry's and mine. "Katelyn your driver is still Joseph but Kate and I are going to our Lamborghini. See you there! Harry will take care of you," Willam says.

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